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@release-drafter release-drafter released this 14 Apr 15:34
· 21 commits to refs/heads/master since this release


This is a major cleanup release, mostly thanks to @HealthyPear who put it in a reasonable state to be maintained by others in the future! It has been tested against CTA Prod3b and CTA Prod5b for CTA-North point-like on-axis sources and should work as a baseline for analysis optimization.

This release will brings huge improvements to the performance of the pipeline and the software package.

Some of the changes are related to the improvements in the interface to the DIRAC grid. Please, consult that for more details about its latest release.

The performance of the pipeline has been validated successfully on a Prod5b simulation for the Alpha configuration at the North site under specific observational settings. Tests on a similar configuration for the South site are ongoing. From now on, performance results will be showcased at this website.

The benchmarking has become a package module (protopipe.benchmarking) and a new protopipe-BENCHMARK script has been added to the suite of available commands.

The pipeline makes now use of ctapipe v0.11.0 and pyirf v0.5.0. For more details, please consult the merged Pull Requests listed below.

Please, remember that protopipe and its interface are open-source projects and anyone can contribute to it. It is possible to perform full-scale analyses and contribute to the production of CTA performances for different science cases or perform studies that require big amounts of data.


What is changed since v0.4.0.post1

Pull-requests containing changes of multiple nature are repeated.

🚀 General features

🔭 Pipeline applications

🌐 GRID support

🐛 Bug Fixes

🧰 Maintenance