- https ready!
- multiple domain / project support
- PHP Xdebug
- php7wrapper
✨ reference from https://laradock.io
- Setup
- ...
- Usage
- Information
- ...
- Xdebug & VSCode
- PHP Wrapper
$ git clone https://github.com/cscolabear/docker-dev.git Projects # [optional] create your local branch # e.g. local-dev, and merge any service branch you want(if you need mysql or memcached...) $ git checkout service/add-mysql
~/Projects/[your project - 1]
~/Projects/[your project - 2]
$ cd ~/DockerDev $ chmod -R 755 Logs $ dokcer-compose --compatibility up -d
(ℹ️ Compatibility mode: https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-versioning/#compatibility-mode)
⏳ Please wait
$ cd ~/DockerDev/ && clear && docker-compose exec WORKSPACE bash
looked like after connected~ you can execute php, composer, node, npm in this container
👉 create index.php & index.html in
use command~
$ echo -e "<?php\nphpinfo();" > index.php $ echo "<h1> - fine</h1>" > index.html
open browser - http://localhost or https://localhost
index.html > https://localhost/index.html)
creating a new vhost.conf file in
nginx conf tools: https://nginxconfig.io
add local domain:
(for mac / os x)C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
(for windows 10)add domain at the bottom
e.g. local.[any_you_want_domain_1] local.[any_you_want_domain_2]
add host at the
add host domain at,
services > fpm > extra_hosts
add new line
- "local.[any_you_want_domain_1]:"
restart nginx Docker Container
$ docker-compose restart NGINX
- modify
- restart php-fpm Docker Container
$ docker-compose restart FPM
- modify
- nginx
- fholzer/nginx-brotli:v1.18.0
- https, http2
- logrotate
- php-fpm
- php:7.3-fpm
- workspace
- node v12.17.0
- npm 6.14.4
- nginx
install the vscode extension
PHP Debug https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=felixfbecker.php-debug
in vscoe toolsbar
Debug > Add Configuration > open & modify launch.json
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Listen for > XDebug", "type": "php", "request": "launch", "port": 9001, "pathMappings": { "/var/www": "${workspaceRoot}" }, "log": true }, { "name": "Launch > currently open script", "type": "php", "request": "launch", "program": "${file}", "cwd": "${fileDirname}", "port": 9001 } ] }
vscode debug 設定檔每個專案都要設定一次
e.g. vscode 打開的專案目錄名稱為
,${workspaceRoot} 即為 /var/www/my-project
所以設定應該是: "/var/www/my-project": "${workspaceRoot}" -
路徑對應是重點(pathMappings), 編輯器沒反應時(e.g. vscode) 多半是這個路徑沒有設定正確
也可以 ssh 進入 fpm container 查看/tmp/xdebug.log
"pathMappings": { "/var/www": "${workspaceRoot}" // or "/var/www/[your Project folder]": "${workspaceRoot}" },
- xdebug.ini ; for MAC os x xdebug.remote_host=host.docker.internal
因為本機 MAC os x 和 docker 環境內的 PHP 版本不同
所以利用 phpWrapper
曝光 docker 內的 php 讓本機開發與執行使用同樣的 php 版本
ref. https://cola.workxplay.net/docker-php-wrapper-for-local-machine/
$ ln -s ~/DockerDev/phpWrapper /usr/local/bin php
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin php
(MAC osx 原生 PHP path: /usr/bin/php)