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fitHeavyTail version 0.1.2 (2020-1-7)

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@dppalomar dppalomar released this 07 Jan 14:36
· 77 commits to master since this release
  • Vignette revised: detailed descriptions of the algorithms included.

  • Comparison with additional existing benchmark sn::selm() included in the vignette.

  • Now the three fitting functions also return the number of iterations and elapsed cpu_time.

  • Significant revision of the fitting function fit_mvt(); in particular:

    • the nu_target for the estimation of nu has been removed since it was not effective;
    • several new options for the initial value of nu or fixed value of nu have been included; and
    • improved and more robust estimation of nu at each EM iteration.
  • Function fit_mvt() now allows the choice (via the argument na_rm) to drop the observations with NAs
    or impute them.