Releases: computer-catt/EnableAnselForRoblox
Enable Nvidia Ansel for roblox shaders
This is version 2 of Ansel enabler for Roblox and a lot has changed and a lot of the process is now automatic.
Windows 10 is recommended.
Launch as admin to automatically install the required filters for Nvidia Ansel.
This assumes you have an Nvidia VideoCard which you require for Nvidia Ansel
along with Nvidia Geforce experience for the ShadowPlay overlay.
Step 1. Install Nvidia profile inspector.
Step 2. Enable Ansel through Nvidia profile inspector.
make sure to apply your changes.
Step 3. Download Bloxstrap and set it up fully. options don't matter much.
Step 4. Launch EnableAnselForRoblox.
Step 5. While Ingame launch Nvidia ShadowPlay and click Game filter.
Honorable mentions:
Shader keeper is now implemented
This app can run without administrator permissions, you would have to install the filters by yourself.
Don't try bloom or you will have to reinstall Nvidia experience to fix it.
Console doesn't disappear on windows 11.
This project is open source.
Video tutorial may be coming soon.
Please feel free to reach out to me on discord.
this is a release for the resources this program uses, not where you can download Ansel enabler for Roblox. here is where its going to be downloading files from and here's where you can see what they do. is just a zip file containing the filters you're most likely going to use with Roblox, its a zip file containing the merged textures and filters of qUINT and ReShade default shaders.
bloxstapshortcut is a small application I made which gets the Bloxstrap path from the registry and then gets the latest Roblox version, then launches it with the same parameters it was launched with, effectively being a shortcut from RobloxPlayerBeta.exe(shortcut) to eurotrucks2.exe(Roblox)
Step 1. install Nvidia profile inspector
Step 2. enable Ansel through Nvidia profile inspector
make sure to apply your changes.
step 3. download Bloxstrap and set it up fully. options don't matter much
step 4. download qUINT and ReShade default shaders
step 5. merge the 2 folders, ReShade default Shaders overwrite qUINT.
step 6. make a new folder in C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation and name it Ansel.
step 7. put your Frankenstein's monster Shader folder into the Ansel folder
make it look like this:
step 8. launch this
step 9. launch Roblox any way you want to.
step 10. have fun with Shaders.
honorable mentions:
this assumes you have Nvidia Geforce experience and have the overlay turned on
dont try bloom or you will have to reinstall roblox or nvidia experience to fix this.
dont launch my app twice or it will bootloop.
please feel free to reach out to me on discord.
console doesn't disappear on windows 11