A RESTful Swift library to access the Riot Games API. Use this as a starting point if you plan on using Riot Games API using Swift!
I made this basic library for an IOS application that shows you your recent games.
Only a few methods were utilized here, but if you need more, take a look at Riot's full documentation.
Paste your own key in the APIConnection's key variable.
To show you how I populate my own game class, here is some sample code:
//get our summoner id for future api calls
var connection = APIConnection()
let summonerId = connection.summonerIdByName(self.summonerNameTitle.stringValue)
//get our recent games
var jsonResult = connection.recentGames(summonerId)
//parse json to get an array of game objects
let games = jsonResult["games"] as! NSArray
//create GameDoc objects from our GameData List
for (index,game) in enumerate(games) {
//get champion static data
var champId: String = games[index]["championId"]!!.stringValue
jsonResult = connection.championData(champId)
let champName: String = jsonResult["key"]! as! String
//you can find this image in your game files!
var champImage: String = champName + "_Square_0"
//add game to our list
let tmpGame = GameDoc(game:games[index] as! NSDictionary,summonerId:summonerId,region:"na",
champImage:NSImage(named: champImage))