[email protected] Sachintha Rathnayake Sacheerc IA12
ContactME is an simple useful application to save Contact details from Visiting cards and advertisements. The only thing users have to do is holding the visiting card to the back camera until app detects the details from it. ContactME doesn't fill your storage with uneccessary images. At this state this app is working with English language. But it is posible to improove this application's recognition process to several languages like Sinhala, Tamil, Chinese etc.
Download or Clone the ContactME folder from the ContactME repository. This folder contains whole project files. Developers can open the folder from Android Studio 2.3.3 or later versions. Well commented coding will guide you to involve to developing process. Note that while in developing process, you shoud have to connect a mobile phone to Android Studio with following requirements to run preview.
Android 6.0(Marshmallow) or Later versions
At least 10 MB Storage
Back Camera with 10MP or higher
Download the ContactME.apk file from the Demo folder which is in ContactME repository.
Copy ContactME.apk to your Mobile Phone Storage.
Install the ContactME.apk to Mobile Phone.
Go to your Phone's App setting area and grant permissions to contactME app to access Contacts and Camera
Open the ContactME Application.
(Some time this will ask to use your Camera again, Allow the permission request if asked)
Open the Application
Hold the visiting card or advertisement to the back camera Until detects the Informations.
If detected Information is Wrong press the refresh button to rerecognise.
If you satisfied with the detected informations press the camera icon to capture details.
Now you have new interface with two Buttons.
Application allows to edit captured details at this stage. (If you want, you can)
Click on Contact icon in right hand side to save details to your phones contact.
Application popups successful message After these steps.(Note- Make sure You should have to give contact access permission to complete this step. otherwise app will stops and give "Unfortunatly Stoped error")
By pressing home Button and using refresh button you can use application to capture another visiting card and follo the same process to save details.
- Android Studio 2.3.3
- Sachintha Rathnayake - Initial work - Sacheerc
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details