Here is a basic
for your project:
# JSON Schema Builder
A TypeScript library for building and manipulating JSON schemas.
## Installation
To install the library, run:
npm install @codeperate/json-schema-builder
Here is an example of how to use the schemaBuilder
import { schemaBuilder } from '@codeperate/json-schema-builder';
const schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: { type: 'string' },
age: { type: 'integer' },
email: { type: 'string' },
address: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
street: { type: 'string' },
city: { type: 'string' },
required: ['street', 'city'],
required: ['name', 'age', 'email', 'address'],
const updatedSchema = schemaBuilder(schema).pick(['name', 'email']).schema;
Creates a new SchemaBuilder
pick(props: (keyof T)[] | RegExp, options?: { removeRequired?: boolean }): SchemaBuilder<T>
omit(props: (keyof T)[] | RegExp, options?: { removeRequired?: boolean }): SchemaBuilder<T>
set<K extends keyof JSONSchema>(key: K, value: JSONSchema[K] | ((curVal: JSONSchema[K]) => JSONSchema[K])): SchemaBuilder<T>
setProps<K extends keyof T, V extends JSONSchema>(key: K, value: V | ((curVal: JSONSchema) => V)): SchemaBuilder<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: FromSchema<V> }>
setPropsRaw<K extends keyof T, V = any>(key: K, value: JSONSchema | ((curVal: JSONSchema) => JSONSchema)): SchemaBuilder<Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: V }>
optional(props: (keyof T)[]): SchemaBuilder<T>
required(props: (keyof T)[]): SchemaBuilder<T>
clone(): SchemaBuilder<T>
toArray(): SchemaBuilder<Array<T>>
noRef(options?: { removeRequired?: boolean }): SchemaBuilder<T>
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.