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Instruction For Setup Project and Start Working On Local Machine


Require Winget So Download And Install

Install Powershell From here

Open Terminal Paste below code From here or belo snippet

$progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'
Write-Host "Installing WinGet PowerShell module from PSGallery..."
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force | Out-Null
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.WinGet.Client -Force -Repository PSGallery | Out-Null
Write-Host "Using Repair-WinGetPackageManager cmdlet to bootstrap WinGet..."
Write-Host "Done."
winget install -e --id Microsoft.PowerShell

Install Specific Version Of Hugo in this project i have used 0.126.0

winget install -e --id Hugo.Hugo.Extended -v 0.126.0

Clone this repo CodeFrydev/Update Run the with hugo

hugo server -D


title: "2024"
author: "PrashantUnity"
weight: 1
date: 2024-08-03
lastmod: 2024-08-03
dateString: June 2024  
description: "Guide of How To Create Blog Post, Categories And Etc"
#canonicalURL: "https://canonical.url/to/page"
    image: "cover.jpg" # image path/url
    alt: "Download Logo" # alt text
    #caption: "Optical Character Recognition"  display caption under cover 

tags: [ "NET", "codefrydev", "C sharp", "CFD", "Download File","Downloader","httpclient"]
keywords: [ "NET", "codefrydev", "C sharp", "CFD", "Skia Sharp","Generate Video","Basic","FFMPEG"]
hideMeta: true

for general .md page

title: "How To"
author: "PrashantUnity"
weight: 1
date: 2024-08-03
lastmod: 2024-08-03
dateString: June 2024  
description: "Guide of How To Create Blog Post, Categories And Etc"
#canonicalURL: "https://canonical.url/to/page"
    image: "cover.jpg" # image path/url
    alt: "Download Logo" # alt text
    #caption: "Optical Character Recognition"  display caption under cover 

tags: [ "NET", "codefrydev", "C sharp", "CFD", "Download File","Downloader","httpclient"]
keywords: [ "NET", "codefrydev", "C sharp", "CFD", "Skia Sharp","Generate Video","Basic","FFMPEG"]
draft: true

While Creating Folder Or New Category Follow This Structure

│  ├──
│  ├──
│  ├──post
│     ├──image.png
│     ├──video.mp4
│  ├──
│  ├──anotherpost
│     ├──image.png
│  ├──
│  ├──
│  ├──post
│     ├──image.png
│     ├──video.mp4 

Embedding Image in website

  • Created post
  • Then Create Folder at same Directory with same Name i.e. test
  • Place File which are need in that folder.
  • directory will look like this
│  ├──
│  ├──
│  ├──test
│     ├──cover.jpg
│     ├──video.mp4  

Taking Image use case

  • One Inside Top Of Head Or For Cover Image
    image: "folder.png" # image path/url
    alt: "folder Logo" # alt text
  • Others part of page

For Video Implementation Use Below Snippet.

  <video width="640" height="360" controls>
    <source src="./test.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    Your browser does not support the video tag.
  </video> Is Used to represent/ View List Of Post On that Categories /Folder


title: "Name Of Page"
author: "Codefrydev"
weight: 100
date: 2024-08-03
lastmod: 2024-08-03
dateString: June 2024
description: "Description Of Page" 
keywords: [ "NET", "codefrydev", "C sharp", "CFD", "Skia Sharp","Generate Video","Basic","FFMPEG"]

General Post Head Template

title: "Replace Me With Actual Title"
author: ["Replace Author Name","Another Author Name"]
weight: 100
date: 2024-08-03
lastmod: 2024-08-03
dateString: June 2024  
description: "Guide of How TO Create Blog Post, Categories AND Etc"
#canonicalURL: "https://canonical.url/to/page"
    image: "logo.png" # image path/url
    alt: "Download Logo" # alt text
    caption: "Optical Character Recognition"  #display caption under cover 

tags: [ "Code Fry Dev", "codefrydev", "CFD","NET","C Sharp", "Download File","Downloader","httpclient"]
draft: true #make this false to publicly Available

for relate Linking of another page use below code for reference [SKiaSharp]({{< relref "blog/skiasharp/" >}})

[Basic Setup]({{< relref "blog/skiasharp/" >}})

Some Of Comman Commands

Run the Application In development Mode where draft is also visible

hugo server -D

For Creating New Sites

hugo new site blog

use of Mermaid

{{< mermaid >}}
        class Person{
{{< /mermaid >}}

Mermaid with KaTeX

{{< mermaid >}}
 graph TB
      A["$$ Sum Of Ratio = \sum_{i=1}^{n} i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2} -1$$"]
      B["$$ ith Number = \frac{i*N}{Sum Of Ratio}$$"]
      C["$$ ith Number = \frac{i*N}{\frac{n(n+1)}{2} -1}$$"]
{{< /mermaid >}}

graph TB
    A["$$ Sum Of Ratio = \sum_{i=1}^{n} i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2} -1$$"]
    B["$$ ith Number = \frac{i*N}{Sum Of Ratio}$$"]
    C["$$ ith Number = \frac{i*N}{\frac{n(n+1)}{2} -1}$$"]

Dummy Code For Setup Replace Youtube id with appropriate youtubeid

## Install / Setup step

### Install .NET SDK
- [Visit Here And Install .NET SDK](
- It is Straight forward for all platform.
- For Window user Follow below video for more

{{< youtube EqD1H4T340A >}}

- For Mac User Follow below video for more
{{< youtube EqD1H4T340A >}}

- For Linux User Follow below video for more
{{< youtube EqD1H4T340A >}}

### Install Visual Studio IDE
- [Download From Official Website](

- Available Only for Windows User
- Alternative is [Rider0]( For Cross platform not free as of Now

- For Installiation Process of Visual Studio IDE on window Follow below video

{{< youtube EqD1H4T340A >}}

### Install Visual Studio Code 
- [Visit Here And Install .NET SDK](
- It is Straight forward for all platform.
- For Window user Follow below video for more

{{< youtube EqD1H4T340A >}}

- For Mac User Follow below video for more

{{< youtube EqD1H4T340A >}}

- For Linux User Follow below video for more

{{< youtube EqD1H4T340A >}}

### Using Polyglot Notebook in VS Code Step-by-Step Guide

#### 1. Install Polyglot Notebook

- **Open VS Code.**
- Press **Control + Shift + X** to open the Extensions view.
- Search for "Polyglot Notebook" or directly open the URL [Polyglot Notebook Extension](
- Look for the extension logo as shown below and install it.

![Polyglot Notebook Extension Logo](./ply0.png)

#### 2. Create a New File

- Create a new file named `HelloWorld.ipynb` as shown in the image below. Double-click to open the file.
- Note: The `.dib` extension also works, but for this guide, we will use `.ipynb` only.

![Create New File](./ply1.png)

#### 3. Select .NET Interactive Kernel

- On the right side, click the "Show Kernel" button.
- Wait for a few seconds. A list of options will appear.
- Select **.NET Interactive** as your kernel.

![Select Kernel](./ply2.png)

Exp for md injection

{{ readFile "content/" | markdownify }}