All commands and reponses are categorized into three sections: AUTHORIZATION, TRANSACTION and UPDATE.
use rfc1939::authorization::command::*;
use rfc1939::transaction::command::*;
use rfc1939::types::command::*;
assert_eq!(user(b"USER name\r\n").unwrap(), User { name: b"name" });
assert_eq!(pass(b"PASS pwd\r\n").unwrap(), Pass { string: b"pwd" });
apop(b"APOP mrose c4c9334bac560ecc979e58001b3e22fb\r\n").unwrap(),
Apop {
name: b"mrose",
digest: b"c4c9334bac560ecc979e58001b3e22fb"
assert_eq!(stat(b"stat\r\n").unwrap(), Stat);
assert_eq!(list(b"LIST 2222\r\n").unwrap(), List { msg: Some(2222) });
assert_eq!(retr(b"RETR 1\r\n").unwrap(), Retr { msg: 1 });
assert_eq!(dele(b"DELE 1\r\n").unwrap(), Dele { msg: 1 });
assert_eq!(noop(b"NOOP\r\n").unwrap(), Noop);
assert_eq!(rset(b"RSET\r\n").unwrap(), Rset);
assert_eq!(top(b"TOP 1 10\r\n").unwrap(), Top { msg: 1, n: 10 });
assert_eq!(uidl(b"UIDL 1\r\n").unwrap(), Uidl { msg: Some(1) });
use rfc1939::transaction::response::retr;
use rfc1939::types::response::Retr;
use rfc1939::common::StatusIndicator;
retr(b"+OK 120 octets\r\n<the POP3 server sends the entire message here>\r\n.\r\n")
Retr {
status_indicator: StatusIndicator::OK,
message: Some(b"<the POP3 server sends the entire message here>"),
information: b"120 octets"