TypeScript-Node-Starter를 참고하여 개발환경을 구축합니다.
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# database migrate
$ npm run migrate
# or
$ npx knex migrate:latest
# serve
$ npm start
Package | Description |
body-parser | Express 4 middleware. |
bookshelf | JavaScript ORM for Node.js, build on the Knex. |
dotenv | Loads environment variables from .env file. |
express | Node.js web framework. |
knex | SQL query builder. |
lusca | Web application security for express apps. |
morgan | HTTP request logger middleware for node.js |
mysql2 | fast node-mysql compatible mysql driver for node.js |
validatorjs | A data validation library in JavaScript for the browser and Node.js, inspired by Laravel's Validator. |
Package | Description |
chai | assertion library |
concurrently | Utility that manages multiple concurrent tasks. Used with npm scripts |
cross-env | Cross platform setting of environment scripts. |
debug | A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. |
mocha | JavaScript test framework |
mock-knex | a knex mock adapter for simulating a db during testing. |
nodemon | automatically restart |
supertest | HTTP assertion library. |
ts-node | TypeScript execution environment for node. |
tsconfig-paths | Load node modules according to tsconfig paths |
tslint | Linter (similar to ESLint) for TypeScript files |
tslint-config-standard | A TSLint config for JavaScript Standard Style. |
typescript | JavaScript compiler/type checker that boosts JavaScript productivity |