1.9.5 (2017-07-26)
Add support for latest Cloudwatch alarms properties (#694 )
Raise ValueError for Outputs and Mappings - Fix Issue #732 (#733 )
Add AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration support (#738 )
Create (#740 )
Added UsagePlans to API Gateway example (#741 )
EMR AutoScaling Complex Validation and Introduction of an ignore validator type (#743 )
Add PrivilegedMode option to CodeBuild Environments (#744 )
EFS DependsOn Ref to object fix (#746 )
README - add syntax highlighting (#747 )
Make handling of DependsOn more pythonic (#748 )
Accept Join type as parameter default value as it returns a string (#752 )
AWS SAM support (#754 )
Fixed UsagePlan example to proper Ref (#755 )
Fix cognito StringAttributeConstraints property names (Fixes #756 )
Add 'SourceAuth' property to CodeBuild Source (#758 )
Make it easier to get at hidden attributes (Fixes #760 )
Size/IOPS should be positive_integers (#761 )
Check that FIFO Queues end with .fifo (#757 )
Add AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard (Fixes #763 )
Ulimit's HardLimit and SoftLimit validator change (#764 )
Adding EgressOnlyInternetGateway to EC2::Route (#765 )
Allow passing in a dict into DashboardBody (#767 )
Handle SQS QueueName using an AWSHelperFn (Fixes #773 )
LifecycleHook NotificationTargetARN and RoleARN are now optional
Remove RoleArn from Events::Rule and add to Target property
Add TracingConfig property to AWS::Lambda::Function
Add Tags to some RedShift resources
Add AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName
Add AWS::EC2::EgressOnlyInternetGateway
Add AWS::EMR::InstanceFleetConfig
Add BinaryMediaTypes to ApiGateway::RestApi
Add TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration
Add TrailName to CloudTrail::Trail
Add AlarmConfiguration and TriggerConfigurations
Add Tags and TimeToLiveSpecification to DynamoDB::Table
Add RetentionPeriodHours to Kinesis::Stream
Add ReplicationSourceIdentifier to RDS::DBCluster
Add LoggingProperties to Redshift::Cluster
Add AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) support
Add test target to Makefile
Make it easier to download the latest CF resource spec
Added and reverted out of this release:
Fix pycodestyle issue in tests/
Output yaml (to_yaml) using cfn_flip (Fixes #567 )
Special case If during parameter checking (Fixes #772 )
Raise TypeError when a scaler AWSHelperFn is used in a list context (#751 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.