This application is in charge of providing the core APIs for Grid'5000.
The project is hosted at
Please send an email to [email protected] if you cannot access the code, but if you read this, it's normally good…
The app is packaged for Debian Squeeze. Therefore installation is as follows:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g5k-api
In particular, runtime dependencies of the app include ruby1.9.1-full
and git-core
This app does not work with
1.8. Therefore you need to have a working installation ofruby
1.9.2+. We recommend usingrvm
to manage your ruby installations. -
As with every Rails app, it uses the
gem to manage dependencies:$ gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
Note: in the next sections we'll run
executables. If you're using an old version of bundler and are not usingrvm
to manage your ruby installations, you will probably need to prefix every executable withbundle exec
. E.g.rake -T
will becomebundle exec rake -T
. -
From the application root, install the application dependencies, mysql2 gem need deb package libmysqlclient-dev, pg gem needs deb package libpq-dev and for nokogiri see Nokogiri:
$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev # needed for the pg gem $ bundle install
[option1 - the hard way - setup the full development environment on your machine]
Install a MySQL database, and any other dependency that can be required by the API to run, and adapt the configuration files located in
. Look at the puppet recipes that can be found in thepuppet/
directory to know more about the software that should be installed to mirror the production servers. -
[option2 - the easy way - use a Grid'5000 node as your development server]
If you don't want to install a mysql server and other dependencies on your machine, you can use one of the Capistrano tasks that are bundled with the app to install the full development environment on a Grid'5000 node. If you enter the following command, then you'll have a Grid'5000 node provisioned for you with the right version of the OS and all the software dependencies and port forwarding setup (takes about 5-10 minutes to deploy and configure):
$ SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa_accessg5k HOST=graphene-29.nancy.g5k cap develop $ SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa_accessg5k HOST=graphene-29.nancy.g5k cap package $ SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa_accessg5k HOST=graphene-29.nancy.g5k cap install $ ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 graphene-29.nancy.g5k $ http://localhost:8000/ui/dashboard
This is the recommended approach, and you can reuse the node for packaging a new release once you've made some changes.
[option3 - an easier way - use Vagrant]
$ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh $ sudo mysql -u root
And create
databases.The vagrant provisionning script will attempt to configure the VM's root account to be accessible by ssh. By default, it will copy your authorized_keys, but you can control the keypair used with SSH_KEY=filename_of_private_key
Setup the database schema:
$ rake db:setup RACK_ENV=development
To run the server, just enter:
$ ./bin/g5k-api server start -e development
If you need to be authenticated for some development, use:
$ HTTP_X_API_USER_CN=dmargery ./bin/g5k-api server start -e development
If you want to develop on the UI, you should probably setup an SSH tunnel between your machine and one of the MySQL server of Grid'5000, so that you can access the current jobs:
$ ssh -NL
That's it. If you're not too familiar with rails
3, have a look at
You can also list the available rake tasks and capistrano tasks to see what's already automated for you:
$ rake -T
$ cap -T
Assuming you have your development environment setup, the only missing step is to create a test database, and a fake OAR database.
Create the test database as follows:
$ RACK_ENV=test rake db:setup
Create the fake OAR database as follows:
$ RACK_ENV=test rake db:oar:setup
RACK_ENV=test rake db:oar:seed
if the OAR database already exists. -
Launch the tests:
$ RACK_ENV=test rake # or `bundle exec autotest` if this fails (issue with Rails<3.1 and em_mysql2 adapter with evented code).
Bumping the version number is done as follows (a new changelog entry is automatically generated in
):$ rake package:bump:patch # or: package:bump:minor, package:bump:major
Building the
package is easy, since we kindly provide acapistrano
recipe that will automatically reserve a machine on Grid'5000, deploy a squeeze-based image, upload the latest committed code (HEAD
) in the current branch, generate a.deb
package, and download the generated package back to your machine, in thepkg/
directory.Just execute:
$ cap package
You can also pass a specific HOST if you wish (in this case it won't reserve a node on Grid'5000):
$ cap package HOST=... $ cap package HOST=griffon-71.nancy.user SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/id_userg5k
With vagrant (copy your ssh public key into the root account of the VM if the automated vagrant provisioning script hasn't (see higher)):
$ cap package [email protected] NOPROXY=true $ cap package USE_VAGRANT=true NOPROXY=true
Once you've packaged the new version, you must release it to the APT repository hosted on There is Capistrano task for this: By default it will release to g5k-api-devel repository hosted by
$ REMOTE_USER=g5kadmin cap release
The system does not support different keys for the gateway and the remote node. In this case, the following might work for you
$ SSH_KEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa_grid5000_g5k NOPROXY=true REMOTE_USER=g5kadmin cap release
Note that you can use the same task to release on a different host (for testing purposes for example), by setting the HOST environment variable to another server (a Grid'5000 node for instance).
To release to stable API, you will need to set PROD_REPO before running the task
$ REMOTE_USER=g5kadmin PROD_REPO=true cap release
If you released on, then you are now able to install the new version on any server by launching the following commands:
puppet-repo $ cap cmd HOST="api-server-devel.[sites]" CMD='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" g5k-api'
A more flexible mechanism can be used base on the script/puppet-repo-custom.rb file
puppet-repo $ bundle exec cap shell ROLES=devel cap> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install g5k-api -y && sudo puppetd -t
For this command to work, you should have a look in the
file, which in my case was dropped into theconfig/
directory of thepuppet-repo
repository.Then you can check that every server has the correct version running by grepping through the processlist to check the version numbers:
puppet-repo $ bundle exec cap shell ROLES=devel cap> ps aux | grep g5k-api | grep -v grep [establishing connection(s) to,,,,,,,,,,] ** [out ::] g5k-api 26110 0.3 13.9 246432 72840 ? Sl Nov20 14:43 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 18510 0.3 7.5 249072 78620 ? Sl Nov18 22:48 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 13384 0.1 13.6 203396 71184 ? Sl Nov22 1:29 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 12702 0.3 26.9 312236 69704 ? Sl Nov20 17:27 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 19366 0.2 16.2 325972 84864 ? Sl Nov18 21:03 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 19353 0.9 7.2 246492 76220 ? Sl 05:53 4:38 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 18563 0.2 35.3 262788 92760 ? Sl Nov18 19:43 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 30348 0.3 27.4 244552 71028 ? Sl Nov22 4:57 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 3825 0.3 32.3 259840 83660 ? Sl Nov18 23:54 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 1749 0.8 31.9 324736 82696 ? Sl Nov18 65:08 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16] ** [out ::] g5k-api 9940 0.5 33.9 329864 87796 ? Sl Nov18 40:32 thin server ( [g5k-api-3.0.16]
Generate general statistics:
$ bundle exec rake stats
Example of output you'll get on the STDOUT:
+----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ | Name | Lines | LOC | Classes | Methods | M/C | LOC/M | +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ | Controllers | 447 | 352 | 14 | 31 | 2 | 9 | | Helpers | 54 | 26 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 3 | | Models | 351 | 288 | 7 | 25 | 3 | 9 | | Libraries | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Model specs | 340 | 315 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Controller specs | 550 | 523 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Helper specs | 15 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ | Total | 1760 | 1510 | 21 | 61 | 2 | 22 | +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ Code LOC: 669 Test LOC: 841 Code to Test Ratio: 1:1.3
Generate the test coverage:
$ bundle exec rake test:rcov $ open coverage/index.html
There exist monit recipes that send emails when an alert is raised. At the time of writing (2011-10-18), these alerts are sent to [email protected]. You might want to change that.
Since Kadeploy3 uses DRb to communicate with clients, and that a lot of code is shared between the client and server, clients must have the whole kadeploy3 code accessible. So, each time a new version of Kadeploy is released and installed on the Grid5000 sites, you MUST remember to update the kadeploy-common package.
- Cyril Rohr [email protected] and others