- randomize quick-sort (Prog-1.cpp)
- median-of-3 partition quick-sort (Prog-2.cpp)
- Bentley and Mcllroy quick-sort (Prog-3.cpp)
- randomize quick-sort (Prog-1.cpp): 6
- median-of-3 partition quick-sort (Prog-2.cpp): 0
- Bentley and Mcllroy quick-sort (Prog-3.cpp): 1
- randomize quick-sort (Prog-1.cpp): 2
- median-of-3 partition quick-sort (Prog-2.cpp): 1
- Bentley and Mcllroy quick-sort (Prog-3.cpp): 5
- The sorted test case shows that Prog-1 is much slower, because the run time is n^2.
- When i tried 100000 inputs of sorted test case with Prog-1, the program could'n be finished.
- The Bentley and Mcllroy took longer to run the random test case because the time finding the pivot takes some time when the input size is large.