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Andrew Lambert edited this page Nov 26, 2022 · 5 revisions

Method Signatures

 Sub Commit(WriteTo As BinaryStream)
 Sub Commit(WriteTo As FolderItem, Overwrite As Boolean = False)



Name Type Comment
WriteTo BinaryStream The stream to write the archive to.

Commit(FolderItem, Boolean)

Name Type Comment
WriteTo FolderItem The file to write the archive to.
Overwrite Boolean Optional. If True, then the WriteTo FolderItem is overwritten if it exists.


Writes all entries to the archive file or stream.

Note: If you passed a Readable object to the AppendEntry method then you must remember to rewind the stream if you intend to call Commit more than once (unless it was a BinaryStream, which will be rewound automatically.)

Entry-level points of interest denoted by "☜"

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