npm install
cd client
npm install
yarn install
cd client
yarn install
npm test
cd client
npm start
If needed, edit the truffle-config.js
config file to set the desired network to a different port. It assumes any network is running the RPC port on 8545.
npm run migrate:dev
For deploying to live networks, Truffle will use truffle-hdwallet-provider
for your mnemonic and an RPC URL. Set your environment variables $RPC_URL
before running:
npm run migrate:live
Note. The project has dotenv as dependency, therefore environment variables can be defined in an .env file at the root of the project.
There are 3 helper scripts provided with this box in the scripts directory:
: Sets the Oracle Data to fetch water level. For Kovan a pre-coordinator smart contract is used.2_set_evaluation_period.js
: Sets the frequency of water level evaluation in seconds. By the default it's one day.3_fund_contract_eth.js
: Funds the contract with ETH.4_fund_contract_link.js
: Funds the contract with LINK.5_create_insurance_policy.js
: Creates an insurance policy with pre-defined data.6_start_evaluation_period.js
: Triggers Chainlink Alarm to evaluate water levels depending on the set frequency.change_water_level_manually.js
: Manually changes the water level of a given policy. This is used for demo purposes.get_insurance_policies.js
: Returns the policies and policy ids of the current user.request_water_level_manually.js
: Performs the request of water levels.
They can be used by calling them from npx truffle exec
, for example:
npx truffle exec scripts/4_fund_contract_link.js --network live
The CLI will output something similar to the following:
Using network 'live'.
Funding contract: 0x972DB80842Fdaf6015d80954949dBE0A1700705E
Truffle v5.0.25 (core: 5.0.25)
Node v10.16.3