My first RayCaster with MLX42
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Requirements summary:
- Smooth window management
- minimise window
- change to another window and back
- ESC or clicking on red cross on the window’s frame closes the window and quits the program cleanly
- Use different wall textures for each wall
- North, South, East, West
Support different floor and ceiling colors
Window image
- left and right arrows allow to look left and right
- W, A, S, and D keys allow to move the point of view
- Map file requirements
- blank lines allowed between elements
- blank spaces allowed within each element definition, except for the map
- map element must be last in map file
4.1. Non map elements requirements:
- <type identifier> <any number of spaces> <definition>
- For textures:
- <(NO|SO|WE|EA)> <any number of spaces> <texture filepath>
- For colors:
- <(F|C)> <any number of spaces> <R,G,B>
- each R,G,B parameter must be in range [0,255]
- <(F|C)> <any number of spaces> <R,G,B>
4.2 Map element requirements:
- only 6 possible characters:
- 0 for an empty space
- 1 for a wall
- N,S,E or W for the player’s start position and spawning orientation
- map must be closed/surrounded by walls
- map must be parsed as it looks in the file