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Chris Povirk edited this page Aug 3, 2017 · 8 revisions

Guava Release 21.0: Release Notes

  • 21.0 was released on January 12, 2017.
  • 21.0-rc2 was released on January 3, 2017.
  • 21.0-rc1 was released on December 19, 2016.

(See ReleaseHistory.)

API documentation:

Using Guava in your project

Guava Guava (GWT)
Maven Identifier
Jar guava-21.0.jar guava-gwt-21.0.jar
Javadoc guava-21.0-javadoc.jar guava-gwt-21.0-javadoc.jar
Sources guava-21.0-sources.jar guava-gwt-21.0-sources.jar

See UseGuavaInYourBuild for help integrating Guava into your build environment.

Java 8!

Important: Guava 21.0 requires Java 8. If you need Java 7 or Android compatibility, use Guava 20.0 for now. Guava 22.0 and on will introduce a Java 7/Android compatible backport of Guava that includes all of the latest changes that don't require Java 8. (As for Java 6, we don't plan to support it past 20.0.)

Issues resolved

5+ issues are resolved in this release.

API Changes

Full JDiff Report of changes since release 20.0.

Significant API additions and changes


  • Function, Predicate and Supplier: changed to extend the new java.util.function interfaces with the same names.
  • Optional: added toJavaUtil and fromJavaUtil methods for easy conversion between Guava's Optional and java.util.Optional.
  • Objects: removed deprecated firstNonNull and toStringHelper methods (both found on MoreObjects since Guava 18.0).


New default methods on ConcurrentMap that were added in Java 8 are now implemented and safe to use for Cache.asMap() views.


Many APIs in collect now have better implementations of many of the default methods added to Collection and Map types in Java 8.

New classes

  • Comparators: With the addition of many useful methods to the Comparator type in Java 8, Ordering now provides little benefit. Comparators is a new location for methods on Ordering that still don't have a good equivalent in the JDK.
  • Streams: Utility class for working with Includes methods for creating streams (such as stream(Iterable), stream(Optional) and concat(Stream...)) and methods that do things with streams (such as findLast(Stream)).
  • MoreCollectors: Factories for objects; note that Collectors for Guava's collection types are generally found on those types themselves rather than here.
  • Interners.InternerBuilder: Builder for Interner instances, with options similar to those found on MapMaker. Created with Interners.newBuilder().

Removed classes

  • MapConstraint and MapConstraints: deprecated since 19.0.


  • FluentIterable: added stream() method.
  • ForwardingBlockingDeque: deprecated; moved to util.concurrent.
  • Immutable* types: added methods to all named toImmutable[Type]() (e.g. ImmutableList.toImmutableList()) which return a Collector for collecting a Stream into an immutable collection/map object. As with most methods that create Collectors, these are generally intended to be used as static imports.
  • Multimap: added forEach(BiConsumer) method.
  • Multimaps: added toMultimap and flatteningToMultimap methods returning Collector objects that collect to a Multimap.
  • Multiset: added forEachEntry(ObjIntConsumer) method.
  • Maps: added toImmutableEnumMap methods returning Collector objects that collect to an ImmutableMap with enum keys.
  • Sets: added toImmutableEnumSet method returning a Collector that collects to an ImmutableSet of enums.
  • Tables: added toTable methods returning Collector objects that collect to a Table.
  • RangeSet: added default addAll(Iterable<Range>), removeAll(Iterable<Range>) and enclosesAll(Iterable<Range>) methods.
  • ImmutableRangeSet: added copyOf(Iterable<Range>), unionOf(Iterable<Range>), union(RangeSet), intersection(RangeSet) and difference(RangeSet) methods.
  • TreeRangeSet: added create(Iterable<Range>) method.
  • A number of rarely-used methods on concrete implementations of Guava collection types that aren't present on the interface they implement have been deprecated. These include: ArrayListMultimap.trimToSize(), TreeMultimap.keyComparator(), and TreeBasedTable.row/columnComparator().

  • MoreFiles: New class which contains methods similar to those in Files, but for use with java.nio.file.Path objects.
  • This includes deleteRecursively and deleteDirectoryContents methods which are secure against race conditions that Java previously had no way of dealing with provided that the FileSystem supports SecureDirectoryStream (modern Linux versions do; Windows [NTFS at least] does not). For security, these will throw an exception if SecureDirectoryStream is not supported unless RecursiveDeleteOption.ALLOW_INSECURE is passed when calling the method.


  • Most classes: added constrainToRange([type] value, [type] min, [type] max) methods which constrain the given value to the closed range defined by the min and max values. They return the value itself if it's within the range, the min if it's below the range and the max if it's above the range.


  • ForwardingBlockingDeque: added; moved from common.collect because BlockingDeque is a concurrent type rather than a standard collection (it's defined in java.util.concurrent).
  • AtomicLongMap: added a number of methods such as accumulateAndGet(K, LongBinaryOperator) that take advantage of new Java functional types.
  • Monitor: added newGuard(BooleanSupplier).
  • MoreExecutors: removed sameThreadExecutor(); deprecated since 18.0 in favor of directExecutor() (preferable) or newDirectExecutorService().
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