Demo project for presentation at Zlot Programistów Delphi 2024.
Slides (in Polish): .
This demonstrates creating a simple 3D FPS game, from start to finish. The level, creatures, and win/lose views have been done using:
Blender (to design base level geometry)
Sketchfab (to add additional props to the level)
Quaternius models (to add animated enemies)
(for ready logic of moving enemies and player hit points), -
(for ready handling of AWSD and similar keys, typical for FPS games).
- Walk using AWSD keys,
- rotate by holding right mouse button and moving the mouse,
- shoot by clicking with left mouse button.
The Pascal code (most in GameViewMain
unit) adds logic to
Activate mouse look when right mouse button is pressed,
Show "game win" view when player reaches a certain place in the level,
Show "game over (lost)" view when player life drops to zero,
Show player life (hit points),
Shoot enemy on mouse click.
Do you want to see something more?
Follow Castle Game Engine tutorials and manual.
See examples included in the engine, like examples/creature_behaviors and examples/fps_game that show more features, e.g. how to visualize getting hit by "temporary fade to red".
Using Castle Game Engine.
Dungeon based on nby rubberduck
This is in turn using other assets, see
for details. -
Trophy from by JeremyWoods (license: CC0).
Multiple Sketchfab models, see
for details and links to authors. Licenses are a mix of Creative Commons Attribution and Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial licenses. -
Skeleton from Quaternius Pirate Kit, CC0.
Compile by:
CGE editor. Just use menu items "Compile" or "Compile And Run".
Or use CGE command-line build tool. Run
castle-engine compile
in this directory. -
Or use Lazarus. Open in Lazarus
file and compile / run from Lazarus. Make sure to first register CGE Lazarus packages. -
Or use Delphi. Open in Delphi
file and compile / run from Delphi. See CGE and Delphi documentation for details.