PetPal is a platform that simplifies pet adoption by connecting users with shelters and streamlining the adoption of various pets! This project was created with React, HTML, CSS (Bootstrap), JavaScript, Django and SQLite.
Seekers who are looking to adopt pets, can sign up as a seeker, search for pets, view pet profiles and adopt pets by filling out the adoption form. After submitting a form, seekers can view the status of all pets they applied for, message the shelter of the pet and receive notifications once the shelter has approved/denied the adoption request.
Shelter organizations who would like to offer pets for adoption, can sign up as a shelter, create new pets for adoption, manage pet adoption requests, message interested pet seekers and notify pet seekers on the status of their application.
Shelters and seekers can view the Blog page where they can search, create, update and comment on blogs through their profile/account.
With Python 3.12.0
, Django 5.0
, React 18.2.0
and the latest version of SQLite
installed, clone this repository.
Navigate to the backend folder:
cd PetPal/P3/backend
Create and activate the virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make migrations and migrate:
python makemigrations
python migrate
Run the backend server:
python runserver
Navigate to the frontend folder:
cd PetPal/P3/frontend
Install the required packages:
npm install
Start the React development server:
npm start
Programming on the Web (CSC309 Course Project)
Malaikah Hussain, Elena Scobici, Daelenia Susanto, Cassandra Tin Kwon Yuen