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cardinal9999 edited this page Nov 25, 2021 · 15 revisions

CryptoQuail Tutorial

CryptoQuail has tons of confusing features, but here is a crash course guide to the Python CryptoQuail package.

Encryption and decryption

CryptoQuail has 3 2 types of encrypters in its module.

Try encrypting strings multiple times with different keys for better security.

from cryptoquail import encryption as stream, rsa

# Stream Cipher #
a = stream.encrypt_string("message you want to encrypt", "secret key") # Key must be shared
b = stream.decrypt_string(a, "secret key")

# RSA #
e = rsa.generate_d(p, q, e) 
f = rsa.encrypt(m, n, e)
g = rsa.decrypt(c, d, n)


from cryptoquail import hash

hash.crc32("password") #CRC32
hash.sha256("password") #SHA-256
hash.ψ_hash("password") #ψ-hash (not really secure)
hash.shake("password") #shake


from cryptoquail import securerandom as random

# Switch from CSPRNG to PRNG

# Random integer
print(random.randint(10, 20))

# Random password

# Shuffle a list

# Alphanumeric string

# XKCD password
random.xkcd(words=7, add_numbers=2)

# Note: You can only access random.xkcd if you have requests installed. If you don't go to your command prompt and type in "pip install requests".

Other Python tools

from cryptoquail import primegen
from cryptoquail import passwordcheck as pwd_check

# Generate large prime numbers
primes = primegen.generate(range_ = 100, start = 11111)
# Check a password
score = pwd_check.check_password("a $tr0n9 pa55w0rd eXamp1e")

Private links

When someone clicks a link in a website, it turns into a followed link. A followed link usually has a different color.

This seems like a good feature, but it allows anyone who has access to your computer to view what websites you clicked.

This simple style sheet will make sure links don't change color on a HTML file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


CryptoQuail.sb3 is a TurboWarp extension that will have most CryptoQuail features. It's unfinished and doesn't work now, but you can help by posting issues and sending feedback.

Useful links

Generate large prime numbers:

CryptoQuail.js RSA tool:

CryptoQuail.sb3 on GitHub:



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