Using supervised machine learning to predict survivavibility of Titanic passangers (from Kaggle Challenge)
The link to the challenge is linked below:
A. Data Processing
Based on given a dataset of titanic passengers, features were extracted such as age, gender, fare, cabin, and survival status.
Imputation and standardization/normalization of the raw dataset were applied to extract features.
B. Exploratory Analysis
Statstical Analysis was applied to find correlations between the survival status of passengers and the features.
- Spearman and Pearson correlation
- Point Bisceral Correlation
- Chi-squared test
C. Machine Learning
Two (2) models were trained (XGBoost and Random Forest) with the processed dataset via hyperparameter tuning with 10-fold cross validation.
The best model (Random Forest) was chosen based on the Accuracy score of the model when the test data was used.