Overview of software related to church calendar computations available on Github and elsewhere.
Included are not only libraries and applications dealing with the liturgical calendar as their primary object, but also applications containing an implementation of the liturgical calendar as a tool for further purposes (web breviaries etc.).
While keeping the format of "awesome lists", this is actually not a curated selection of only the awesome church calendars, but a collection of all such software reaching sufficient level of completeness (~ able to generate a complete and mostly correct calendar for any year).
- Roman Catholic "Ordinary Form" (post-conciliar) calendarEF
- Roman Catholic "Extraordinary Form" (pre-conciliar) calendar (or some even older state of Roman liturgical calendar)
- bubenic.cz [OF|JavaScript] Czech only (code, data, documentation)
- calendarium-romanum/calrom [OF|Ruby] command-line calendar application
- EWliturgy/CatholicLiturgicalCalendar [OF|PHP,CLIPS] http://www.liturgy.guide/RCcal/RCLitCal.html
- igneus/church-calendar-api [OF|Ruby] liturgical calendar as JSON API http://calapi.inadiutorium.cz/
- Divinum Officium [EF|Perl] web app: Breviary, Missal, liturgical calendar http://divinumofficium.com
- katolik.cz [OF|non-free] Windows desktop application + web application, Czech only
- marmanold/LectServe [non-Catholic|Perl] Anglican lectionary as JSON API http://www.lectserve.com
- breviar-sk/Liturgia-hodin-online [OF|C++,non-free] web app: Breviary
- bmaire28/LiturgiaHorarum [OF|PHP] web app: Breviary http://boris.maire.free.fr/index.php
- JohnRDOrazio/LiturgicalCalendar [OF|PHP] liturgical calendar as JSON API and ICAL feed, customizable with diocesan data for dioceses in the United States and Italy (national data already included), website
- mmolenda/Missal1962 [EF|Python] console app: calendar
- rsterbin/liturgicalendar [non-Catholic|Python]
- Liturgischer Kalendar [OF|non-free] web app, API, data of German dioceses, support for custom data and styles http://www.eucharistiefeier.de/lk/
- vicmortelmans/LiturgyCalendar [EF,OF|XSLT] generates liturgical calendar using XSLT templates (you have been warned)
- Medieval Calendar Calculator [ancient|JavaScript]
- igneus/ordodo [OF|Ruby] generates ordo/directory
- BrRoman/ordomatic [?|Python] generates ordo for a particular Benedictine monastery
- mattsmi/RCcalOnlyCLIPS [OF|PHP,CLIPS]
- jayarathina/Roman-Calendar [OF|PHP]
- "Reader Evangelizo" [OF and more|non-free] calendar and lectionary API
- RomCal [OF|C,non-free]
- vlastafiller.sweb.cz [EF|JavaScript] Czech only
- AELF.org [OF] Translation of the Bible, liturgical calendar, lectionary & breviary from the Liturgical Episcopal Association for French countries.
- emacsattic/cal-catholic [OF|LISP] Emacs LISP library
- igneus/calendarium-romanum [OF|Ruby] Ruby library
- marmanold/Date-Lectionary [non-Catholic|Perl] Anglican calendar, lectionary-centric
- gitpan/DateTime-Calendar-Liturgical-Christian [non-Catholic|Perl] USA Episcopal Church calendar
- MRNL-/LiturgicalCalendarUtils [OF|Python] Python library
- pejulian/romcal [OF|JavaScript] JavaScript library, with numerous national calendars