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Writing an Exercise

Siddhartha Prasad edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 2 revisions

An exercise takes the form of a JSON file, containing a list of questions.

Each question has the following form:

        "question": "Question text (required). This must be a question for English to LTL questions, and a formula for trace satisfaction questions.",
        "description": "Any additional question text (optional)",
        "type": <The type of a question. Can be "englishtoltl", "tracesat_yn" or "tracesat_mc">,
        "options": <A list of question options>
            // Each option looks as follows
            //    "option": "Option text to be shown to the user. This could be an LTL formula (for English to LTL) or a Spot word to represent a trace",
            //    "isCorrect":<boolean denoting if this is a correct answer>
            //    "misconceptions": <a list of misconceptions associated with this answer>


An example exercise can be seen here.

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