Releases: bmarsh9/spate
(Linux) Spate cli 1.0.0
CLI exe to interact with Spate Ingress - execute workflows, check status, etc.
Be sure to run chmod +x spate-cli
Check health
./spate-cli --url <https://spate-ingress> --action health
Show help menu
./spate-cli --help
Execute workflow (must be API trigger)
./spate-cli --uuid <workflow uuid> --skip-verification --action execute --wait --url <https://spate-ingress>
View latest executions
./spate-cli --uuid <workflow uuid> --skip-verification --action view --url <https://spate-ingress> --token <auth token from UI>
(Windows) Spate cli 1.0.0
CLI exe to interact with Spate Ingress - execute workflows, check status, etc.
Check health
.\spate-cli.exe --url <https://spate-ingress> --action health
Show help menu
.\spate-cli.exe --help
Execute workflow (must be API trigger)
.\spate-cli.exe --uuid <workflow uuid> --skip-verification --action execute --wait --url <https://spate-ingress>
View latest executions
.\spate-cli.exe --uuid <workflow uuid> --skip-verification --action view --url <https://spate-ingress> --token <auth token from UI>