Retained mode, Lightweight, Hardware-Accelerated and Highly customizable GUI Framework. It is heavily inspired by the Qt Framework and QML.
Lean memory usage and binary size.
Simple concepts, simple implementation.
Hardware Accelerated
Uses the GPU to draw controls with fallback to software rendering when no GPU is present.
Complex Layout with Anchors
An intuitive positioning concept inspired from Qt QML.
// include the window header
#include <window.h>
// create custom class that subclasses Window
class MainWindow : public Window
void Init()
backgroundColor = Color(Color::Black); // set the window background color
// this is where you put your controls
int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PWSTR pCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
MainWindow window;
window.create(L"DXTK Demo");
window.setDark(); // set the titlebar to dark;
return 0;
#include <window.h>
#include <label.h> // include the label header
class MainWindow : public Window
void Init()
// set the window background color
backgroundColor = Color(Color::Black);
// create a label with *this* (which is the window) as the parent.
// and the x, y, width and height follows. in this case it's all set to 0
Label* label = new Label(this, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// set the label's text
label->setText("Hello, world!");
// set the font family and the font size
label->setTextFormat("JetBrains Mono", 28.0f);
// set the anchor to fill, which will make the label fill the parent, in this case the window.
#include <window.h>
#include <button.h> // include the button header
class MainWindow : public Window
void Init()
// set the window background color
backgroundColor = Color(0.2f, 0.25f, 0.3f);
// create a button with the window as its parent and set the width and the height.
// we'll set the x and y to 0 as we use the anchors to position the control.
Button* button = new Button(this, 0, 0, 120, 32);
// set the button's text
button->setText("Click me!");
// set the button anchor to center so it stays centered in the window
// register a signal to the button so that when you click the button,
// it will change the button text to "Hello, world!"
button->registerSignal(this, "clicked", [button](){
button->setText("Hello, world!");
// NOTE: you can register object signals to a lambda or a function with void(void) signature.
// Signal can also have multiple functions/lambdas registered to it.
It is very crude. I built this library to better understand how GUI Frameworks such as Qt and GTK works.
The current state of the project is still in a phase that I call "Good enough for small hobby projects but not for production and public use." as there's still so many Controls that I haven't implemented yet:
- Label
- Image
- Button
- Horizontal Slider
- Vertical Slider
- Text Input (done but still need improvements)
- CheckBox
- ComboBox
- Radio Button
- Row
- Column
- Rectangle
- Rounded Rectangle
- Timer
- InputArea
- ScrollView/Bar
- Multi-DPI Support
- Multi-Window Support