This is the Github repository for the common parts of the Astro/Physics 600 class for Fall 2023.
This is a work-in-progress. I am also going to err on the side of keeping outlines current, even if incomplete.
Much of these notes are directly from/derived from many different sources. An incomplete bibliography/reference list is below, apologies for sources missed.
- Cosmology, Daniel Baumann
- A Course in Cosmology, Dragan Huterer
- Principles of Physical Cosmology, Peebles
- Cosmological Physics, Peacock
- The Friedmann Models and Optical Observations in Cosmology, Gunn : This set of lecture notes from 1978 are worth perusing. A lot of what we discussed in the first lecture are in the first few pages here (although this is not where I got them from)
- Distance Measures in Cosmology, Hogg
- The K-Correction, Hogg et al
- Expanding Confusion..., Davis and Lineweaver