nilepsilon is an attempt at writing physically-based spectral path tracer entirely in Rust programming language. The project is also a language learning experience and a graphics programming toy.
The renderer is currently in an unfinished state and might or might not be developed further in the future. Proceed with caution.
Currently implemented features include:
- std output of
image format - parallel rendering via
- spectral hero wavelength sampling
- camera with focal length and sensor dimensions
- diffuse BSDF (Oren-Nayar)
- glossy BSDF (GGX)
- blackbody radiation
- refraction [borked]
- fresnel dielectric [borked]
nilepsilon is written as a library, and therefore lacks main body. To test the engine, run example tests and direct their output to file:
$ cargo test [test name] --release -- --nocapture >> filename.ppm
After waiting for render to finish, delete unnecessary std lines that got caught up in the output file.
- currently the engine represents material colors as reflectance polynomials over the visible spectrum
- the only available primitives are planes, spheres and triangles
- only mesh lights and background lights are available
- the only working shaders are Oren-Nayar diffuse and GGX glossy
- nilepsilon is a summer project and that's why it's not active for the rest of the year