Surf Check started as a surf forecasting app for the Jæren area of Norway. I found myself constantly checking multiple sources for my surf forecast, namely one site for swell information and another for wind, and I thought it'd be great to consolidate the two data sources in one place.
Later on, after rereading some of William Finnegan's writings about Mark "Doc" Renneker, a San Francisco-based surfer who kept a meticuous journal of surf conditions every single time he went surfing, I thought it'd be great to add a journaling feature to the app.
This project also gave me an excuse to learn Next.js, TypeScript, useSWR, auth0 and fauna, among others.
To get the project running locally, run the following in the project directory:
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Log in to Vercel
npx vercel login
# Link project to Vercel
npx vercel link
# Environment variables are set in Vercel; this command pulls them down
# into a local .env.local file
yarn pull-env-vars
# Start Next.js development server
yarn dev
To serve the built version of our app:
# Bundles the app in production mode
yarn build
# Starts a server that serves the built files
yarn start
To lint:
yarn lint
This project is hosted with Vercel. When a branch is pushed to remote, Vercel creates a dynamic review app from that branch. Any pushes to the main
branch result in a deployment to the production site.