To facilitate new requirements from the parallel TetOpSplit solver, STEPS 3.0 and above uses CMake system to replace the Python distutil system in previous releases. Please follow the instructions below.
- C++ compiler supporting c++11 (e.g. gcc 4.8, clang 3.3)
- Python2 (2.7.x recommended)
- NumPy (
- CMake (
- Either Cython ( or SWIG (
- BLAS/OpenBLAS ( )
See install Dependencies sections
- To use the parallel SSA solver TetOpSplit: MPI libraries (e.g. MPICH
- To use the parallel EField solver: PETSc (
Due to potential conflict, please remove any previous installed version below version 3.0.0, to check and remove previous release, enter the following commands in a terminal:
python -c "import steps; print steps.__file__"
The commands will provide you the path of your current STEPS installation, for example
you can remove the STEPS installtion in the above location via terminal command:
[sudo] rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/steps
- Clone the repository using the folowing command in terminal
git clone
- run the following commands to compile the source code and install
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
[sudo] make install
You can change the installation location by changing the prefix in CMake
MPI and PETSc libraries are automatically detected in the system. If the user wants to manually choose to build STEPS with / without them it can set
cmake -DUSE_MPI=[True|False] -DUSE_PETSC=[True|False] ..
By default, Cython binding is used to generate the user interface, you can switch to SWIG binding by
Please refer to CMAKE documentation for customizing your installation
After installation, you can check the STEPS installation with the following commands
python -c "import steps; steps._greet()"
If STEPS is installed successfully, you should be able to see similar information as below
STochastic Engine for Pathway Simulation
Version: 3.1.0
License: GPL2.0
CXX Binding: Cython
STEPS 3.0 and above contain all serial solvers in previous releases, to run STEPS in serial interactive mode, open Python and import the steps module
import steps
Scripts of serial STEPS simulations can be exexuted in terminal
At the moment STEPS does not provide the interactive interface for parallel TetOpSplit solver, thus parallel simulations need to be executed via scripts in terminal with "mpirun" command
mpirun -n N_PROCS python
N_PROCS is the number of MPI processes to be created for the parallel simulation.
Please refer to the documentation of your MPI solution for further customization.
Linux Debian based:
apt-get install g++ gcc cmake libopenblas-dev libmpich-dev python-numpy cython python-scipy
brew install openblas mpich
- Short validation tests (runnning in a few minutes, using serial solvers only) can be found in this repository, under
- Longer validation tests (using serial and parallel solvers) can be found in the STEPS_Validation repository
- Examples scripts (including tutorials and papers models) can be found in the STEPS_Example repository
You can find STEPS user manual and other documentation from the STEPS official website