Our TAP program uses Calculus of Constructions for proving theorems. CoC is a combination of lambda calculus that allows using variables and types equal in definision.
Every piece in CoC is named Term
. It can be:
- Variable, or
- Application, or
(A B
means that algorythm A applicates to data B) - Lambda-Abstraction, or
meansM[x of type a]
) - For-All, or
= for all x of type a do M) - Star, Box (About star and box a bit later)
All that can be easily listed like that:
P = V|P P|[x:a]M|(x:a)M|*|[i] -- in order Var|App|Lam|Fa|Star|Box i
Lambda-Abstraction and For-All are right-assotiative, application is left-assotiative.
- Var can be parsed as one or more letters with or without numbers:
x --Var
x1 --Var too
xyz, xy12 -- Vars too
- App is parsed as
(a) b
- Lam is parsed as
- Fa is parsed as
- Star is parsed as
- Box is parsed as
[] -- Box 1
[23] -- Box 23
>stack build
>stack exec repl
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