Microservice component designed to provide a chess-playing API.
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3.2.2
- Spring Security 6.2.1
- Spring Aop
- Spring Data Jpa
- Spring Boot Validation
- Lombok
- ModelMapper
- Feign Client
- Web Sockets (Stomp) API
- Gradle
- Redis
- chesslib
- POST /game-init - to initialize game
"gameMode" : "<string>",
"gameTime" : "<string>",
"player1PieceColor" : "<string>",
"player1" : "<string>",
"player2" : "<string>"
"gameCode" : "<string>"
- GET /game-info/{gameCode} - get info about game
"fen" : "<string>",
"whiteTime" : "<string>",
"blackTime" : "<string>",
"sideToMove" : "<string>",
"gameStatus" : "<string>",
"playerColor" : "<string>"
- /game-handshake - enable websocket connection
Example (written in JavaScript):
client = new StompJs.Client({
brokerURL: "ws://localhost:8000/game-handshake",
connectHeaders: {
token: jwtToken,
gameCode : gameCode
- MESSAGE /queue/move/${gameCode} - for receiving game-message:
"move" : "<string>",
"fen" : "<string>",
"time" : "<string>",
"nextMoveSide" : "<string>",
"gameStatus" : "<string>",
"errorMessage" : "<null> | <string>"
- SEND /game/move - for sending messages
"gameCode": "<string>",
"move": "<string>"