A tool to scan the AElf Chain.
- We can insert the data(transactions/blocks/token_contract) of AElf Chain into Databases(only mysql now) through this tool.
- We can collect the TPM(transactions per minutes).
- Ensure dependencies are ready.(nodejs, pm2, mysql)
- Ensure config are ready.(mysql, RPC URL, TPM, etc.)
- If you running your own AElf Chain. Please make sure the token contract is ready.
# bash, but not sh build.sh
bash build.sh < type> < npm action>
# Demos
bash build.sh dev
bash build.sh dev reinstall
bash build.sh pro
bash build.sh pro reinstall
- 1.nodejs
# official
# nvm (if you have installed nvm)
nvm install < your own version >= 8.10 >
2.mysql or marialdb
3.pm2 // Just run 'node index.js' is also ok.
npm install -g pm2
for you information.
- Please pay attention to Mysql connectionLimit. The Default connectionLimit of Mysql is 100.
- Please do not use admin. Use the normal users without SUPER privilege.
Grant Demo
# Use the smallest privilege.
CREATE USER 'normal_aelf'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT select, insert, update, delete on aelf_test.* TO 'normal_aelf'@'localhost';
Reset max connections Demo
mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';
mysql> set GLOBAL max_connections=650;
# get the status of current connnections
mysql> show full processlist;
# for production
cp ./config/config.example.js ./config/config.js
# for dev
cp ./config/config.example.js ./config/config.local.js
# set your own aelf, mysql config at first.
# If you want to collect the TPM.
# In config.js or config.local.js
set initTPSAcquisition=ture.
# If you want to collect the data of resource system
# In config.js or config.local.js
set resourceContractAddress=your resource contract address
You can use build.sh now.
Or start the server manually.
# You can see the detail in build.sh
npm install
# use /config/config.local.js
# dev
node index.js
# dev, use pm2
pm2 start index.js --name aelf-block-scan
# use /config/config.js
# pro
NODE_ENV=production node index.js
# pro, use pm2
NODE_ENV=production pm2 start index.js --name aelf-block-scan
default path
- aelf-block-scan/log
- ~/.pm2/logs/
Please check the AElf Node RPC Server.
// quick check
var Aelf = require('aelf-sdk');
var aelf = new Aelf(new Aelf.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:8000/chain"));
Please make sure you have the write permission of the dir when you use pm2/node start the project.
Please make sure you have create the user.
Checking your user & password.
Set but not localhost for mysql.host. (If your want to use localhost, please look at mysql docs.)
mysql> show full processlist;
May you need change the build.sh. Please see the implemention of build.sh.