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Releases: bigdata-ustc/EduNLP

EduNLP v1.0.0

13 Jan 07:23
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  1. Support cuda for I2V and T2V.
  2. Add demos for downstream tasks including knowledge & difficulty & discrimination prediction, similarity prediction and paper segmentation.
  3. Refactor quesnet for pretrain and vectorization.
  4. Update documents about tutorials and API.

EduNLP v0.0.9

14 Nov 09:42
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  1. Refactor tokenizer Basic Tokenizer and Pretrained Tokenizer
  2. Refactor model structures following huggingface styles for Elmo, BERT, DisenQNet and QuesNet
  3. Add PreprocessingPipeline and Pipeline
  4. Add downstream task: knowledge prediction and property prediction
  5. Fix a bug in RNN which causes ELMo not converging
  6. Move all the test models to modelhub
  7. Update test data files

EduNLP v0.0.8

16 May 07:26
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  1. add Emlo
  2. add DisenQNet
  3. add QuesNet
  4. add tal-edu-bert
  5. add dynamic mapping table from modelhub
  6. fix cuda error
  7. update pretrained models

EduNLP v0.0.7

25 Nov 11:07
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  1. add BERT and pretrained model (luna_bert)
  2. speed up the process in sif
  3. handling OOV in word2vec
  4. add English tutorials
  5. add api docs and prettify tutorials
  6. fix the np.error in gensim_vec.W2V.infer_vector
  7. fix the parameters lost in tokenization

EduNLP v0.0.6

24 Aug 11:06
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  1. dev: add half-pretrained rnn model
  2. important!!!: rename TextTokenizer to PureTextTokenizer, and add a new tokenizer named TextTokenizer (the two have similar but not the same behaviours).
  3. sif: add $\textf{}$ syntax
  4. add two pretrained w2v model: w2v_sci_300 and w2v_lit_300

EduNLP v0.0.5

09 Aug 10:51
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  1. fix the missing stopwords.txt when use pip install

EduNLP v0.0.4.post2

08 Aug 15:04
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  1. fix wrong pypi classifier

EduNLP v0.0.4

08 Aug 13:48
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  1. fix the project errors

EduNLP v0.0.3

02 Aug 13:52
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  1. update formula ast: supporting more symbols and functions defined in katex
  2. add tokens to vector tools, including word2vec and doc2vec using gensim
  3. sci4sif support tokenization grouped by segments
  4. add special tokens: \SIFTag and \SIFSep
  5. add item to vector tools
  6. add interface for getting pretrained models, where the supported model names can be accessed by edunlp i2v in the command console

EduNLP v0.0.2

24 May 10:20
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  1. fix potential ModuleNotFoundError