Thin Go wrapper client around the Keymapp API for ZSA keyboards. The raw protobuf spec felt a little too less "Go" idomatic for me.
Just threw this together for now so there might be some problems. I.e. untested on MacOS/LINUX!
wget -o api/keymapp.proto
protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative api/keymapp.proto
- maybe create the same wrapper API but for Python?
- configure the client to be non-blocking (i.e. just fire the requests and discard any responses)
- better error messages with more context, maybe actual error objects (and maybe stacktraces)
- ability to configure the client with a logger?
- mappings for actual keyboard keys
- i.e.
const VOYAGER_LEFT_1x1 = 0
to provide the index for the left Voyager half, first row, first key (from the right) - and so on... - can only obtain the LED indices for my own Voyager, not Moonlander or ErgoDox, so getting those from other people would be cool
- i.e.