//mini project to perform crud operations using mongodb and mongoose.
--- steps ----
1.Install mongodb on the system from official site of mongodb (version used - 4.8.1)
- commands used for installation of express ,mongoose and nodemon --> npm install express (version- 4.18.1) -->npm install mongoose (version -6.5.2) --> npm install nodemon (version- 2.0.19)
3.made connection with database using mongoose in app.js.
created product.js file in models folder in which schema for the productDB database is created.
Created productController.js file in controllers folder --> created functions to getAllproducts , getProduct , updateProduct and deleteProduct -->used product.find() to get all products from the database --> used product.findById() to get a single product , update a single product and delete a product.
created products.js in routes folder for routing --> used get method to get produts from database --> post method to add data in the database --> patch to update data -->delete to delete data
--> Type npm start in terminal for starting project .