/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
=brew doctor
brew install openjdk
java -version
brew install maven
mvn -version
brew install --cask intellij-idea-ce
echo 'export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc # or ~/.bash_profile
open -a "IntelliJ IDEA"
Once IntelliJ IDEA is open:
- #1. Go to: Preferences -> Plugins
- #2. Search for "Minecraft Development"
- #3. Click "Install" to install the plugin
- #4. Restart IntelliJ IDEA to apply changes
make changes to plugin if needed.
export by clicking the maven button on far right. then double click package notice the jar on the left side of your screen boxed in red.
put that in plugin directory on your server.
video instructions if needed for maven
it will track users data for 15 minutes. do some transforms + computations. will run the user against them model predicting a verdict.
data pipeline goes like this.
paper_server->playerlog.txt->transformer->ML->returns prediction verdict
paper_server->playerlog.txt->transformer->physical computation of verdict->compare to ML
this is known as SUPERVISED LEARNING.
azure architecure.
prototype -> azure VM -> hosting server -> logging data -> transforming data-> computation verdict transormed data -> ML model verdict
blob storage store minecraft model log files "sus" playerIDs
im trying to simulate cheater data. but i dont think its enough.
TODO: need access to 'cheater data' and 'clean' data. business model