This repository contains homeworks and the final project for the Bilkent CS461 Artificial Intelligence course.
: Solving Missionaries and Cannibals problem with non-deterministic searchhw2
: Solving variant of 15-puzzle with beam search algorithmhw3
: Solving variant of 15-puzzle with branch and bound algorithm with augmented dynamic programminghw4
: Solving variant of 15-puzzle with A* algorithmhw5
: Implementing Backward Chaining based classification systemhw6
: Constructing class precedence list for a given class hierarchy with the fish hook algorithmproject
: Implementing daily NYT Mini puzzle solver
- Ahmet Feyzi Halaç
- Aybars Altınışık
- Ege Şahin
- Göktuğ Gürbüztürk
- Zeynep Cankara