Refer to the original Ayu-theme. It’s truly an amazing set of theme and someone has to port it to Emacs eventually.
This repo currently provides 3 versions of Ayu-theme: the light, they grey & the dark. Refer to the files with correspondent names.
Just copy the lisp files to your emacs config dir (ie: ~/.emacs.d) and load them…
cp ayu-*.el ~/.emacs.d/themes
And somewhere, with a little lisp…
(setq custom-theme-directory "~/.emacs.d/themes")
It’s possible to install it using Quelpa.
(use-package ayu-theme
(ayu-theme :repo "averycoolbean/Ayu-for-Emacs-Darker" :fetcher github)
(load-theme 'ayu-dark t))
All go to the original author of Ayu-theme and it’s emacs port i guess.