Simple CLI program that uses the Awair API to gather readings from your air quality sensors and ingest them into InfluxDB. This allows you to visualize air quality trends over time in a tool like Chronograf.
I forked and modified this repo so I could run this application within a docker container. I modified a few things to make it more "12 factor friendly" where configuration is done through environment variables.
Just clone the repository, copy config.example.yaml
to config.yaml
and fill
in the configuration options. You'll need to signup for the Awair developer program in order to get an API key. You'll want
to create a new InfluxDB database and add that to the configuration file as well.
You can then install dependencies and run the script -
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
While running it will import samples from all sensors every 15 minutes (using the Awair hobbyist plan this is currently the smallest granularity available).
If you need help getting InfluxDB setup, I'd recommend using this TICK stack sandbox.