SPAGE-finder Manual (Magen et al)
This repository contains code and documentation for a multi-step computational pipeline to search for Survival associated Pairwise Gene Expression states finder (SPAGE-finder). Previously, the repository was called EnGIne. The paper describing the project can be found at:
The repository can be retrieved from GitHub via the command git clone
This creates a new directory called SPAGEfinder where this can be found. If one reads as a text file, there will be asterisks around the variable names; do not copy the asterisks when copying a command to assign a value to a variable.
SPAGEfinder has two subdirectories:
- data
- R
There are seven code files:
- aggregateLogRankGene.cpp
- analyze.pairwise.significance.R
- calculate.base.cox.model.R
- calculate.candidates.cox.fdr.R
- main.script.functions.R
- main.script.R
- merge.pancancer.results.R
Six of these are in R and one in C++. The C++ code is compiled from within R. Therefore, one need not compile it before running the pipeline.
The input includes mRNA expression matrix and patient clinical-demographic information which are stored in a single data source object and corresponding file. The TCGA dataset (filtered to Census Cancer Genes) is provided here for quick analysis (Example dataset available: 'data/data.mRNA.RData').
Final SPAGEs list is generated in a matrix format where each row represents a SPAGE that is annotated by a quadruple (x,y,bin,effect), where x and y are the two interacting genes, bin is a number indicating the bin annotation and effect annotated the significance level where the sign of the effect represents the direction of the interaction; Positive sign represents higher survival risk while negative sign represents lower survival risk.
Connect to remote server [Example: ssh USER_NAME@SERVER_ADDRESS
git clone
Request an interactiveexecution session if required by your system [Example: sinteractive
Invoke R version 3.3.1 [Example (may be different across systems): module purge; module add R/3.3.1; R
The following commands are set and run in the R environment.
Install the required R packages into the default location (no need to specify where to install, enter 'yes' to indicate installation to personal library if asked).
install.packages(pkgs = c('Rcpp','RcppArmadillo','survival','rslurm','foreach','doMC','data.table','igraph','whisker','foreach'))
Specify a repository of choice and verify successful installations by loading packages (Example: library('Rcpp')).
source(""); biocLite("survcomp")
Verify successful installation.
r.package.path = 'USER_SET_PACKAGE_PATH' # Define path for the downloaded pipeline scripts and data (Example: '/USER/SPAGEfinder')
results.path = 'USER_SET_ANALYSIS_DIRECTORY_PATH' # Define path for analysis results set by user (Example: '/USER/analysis/TCGA_analysis')
The suggested values shown below may be adjusted by the user as needed.
p.val.quantile.threshold = 0.8 # Log-Rank threshold (p value quantile)
The next 7 parameters may need to be adjusted based on the specification of your high-performance computing system. Run the following command to obtain the info about the available queues, memory, walltime and (number of concurrent jobs) resources:
sacctmgr show qos format=name,MaxJobs,MaxWall,MaxTRES
Name MaxJobs MaxWall MaxTRES
---------- ------- ----------- -------------
default 16 01:00:00 mem=4G
throughput 125 18:00:00 mem=36G
high_thro+ 300 08:00:00 mem=8G
large 5 11-00:00:00 mem=128G
xlarge 1 21-00:00:00 mem=512G
long 16 7-00:00:00 mem=12G
workstati+ 4 7-00:00:00 mem=48G
Based on this information and the scope of the analysis (whole-genome or in this example case, only about 500 genes) you would define the following parameters:
queues = 'throughput' # SLURM HPC queue = 50 # Number of concurrent jobs
walltime = '1:00:00' # Time limit per job
memory = '4GB' # Memory allocation per job
And the following parameters specifically for the merge.pancancer.results function as it requires more memory than the usual:
large.queues = 'throughput' # SLURM HPC queue
large.walltime = '1:00:00' # Time limit per job
large.memory = '36GB' # Memory allocation per job
The appropriate parameters for whole genome analysis (analysis of about 20k genes) are: = 120, walltime = '8:00:00', memory = '8GB', large.queues = 'large', large.walltime = '5:00:00', large.memory = '120GB'
Note that in some systems there is no need to specify the queues parameter. If the queues specification above results in an error, use queues = NA and large.queues = NA to let the system choose the appropriate queues by itself.
Continue the analysis by executing the commands in 'R/main.script.R'
The function (r.package.path) can be used to process and perform binning of a 'dataset' object located at 'data/dataset.RData') and constructed in the following fields:
- mRNA - RSEM normalized mRNA measurements (rows corresponding to genes and columns to samples)
- scna - copy-number variation measurements (rows corresponding to genes and columns to samples)
- samples - sample IDs as factors
- type - cancer types as factors
- sex - sex annotation as (two) factors
- race - race annotation as factors
- time - patient survival as number of days to death
- status - patient death/alive status as 0 or 1, respectively
The annotation or format of samples, type, sex and race is not important as long as the variables are converted to factors.
- The following error may rarely come up in the get_slurm_output function:
'slurm_load_jobs error: Socket timed out on send/recv operation'
The error does not reflect the failure of the analysis but only a failure of monitoring the job execution. Simply rerun the get_slurm_output function. - The following error may come up due to insufficient resource allocation:
'The following files are missing: ... Check failed jobs error outputs'