- Create an account by typing in your name, email and password. Then use the account to log in.
- Then you are automatically navigated to the main page, the dashboard page for the user. Right now on your dashboard, there is no saved projects. You could click on the “+” button to find a project you want to build.
- You will be directed to /newprojects page, a page for users to select preferences for finding a project.
- Select "Javascript", "Frontend", "HTML/CSS", "Beginner", "10 hours", and click find projects.
- You find a matching project on the projects page. Click on "Preview".
- You will be redirected to /projects/1, click on "Start Project".
- Click on pages on the bottom "0" "1" "2"... to browse the project guide!
- See all projects on clicking "Projects" on the header and repeat the same thing!
docker build -t tech_assist.ai .
docker run --rm -it tech_assist.ai bash
#docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 tech_assist.ai bash
# For M1 & M2 Chips: docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t tech_assist.ai .
- version: 2.6.6
- installation: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/
gem install bundler:1.3.0
bundle install --without production
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed
#please run the following instead if you have already done seed before:
#bundle exec rake db:reset db:seed
rails s
#rails s -b
#navigate to /newprojects to see project interest page
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=test db:seed
bundle exec cucumber
heroku login
heroku create [app_name]
git push heroku iter1
heroku stack:set heroku-20
git push heroku iter1:master