Welcome, stranger!
You arrived at a Kubernetes cluster repository.
It contains a list of cluster resources managed by Flux CD GitOps tool.
To add a new resource to the cluster, feel free to submit a PR for master
Resources can be defined as:
Raw YAML manifests:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: nginx name: nginx namespace: monitoring spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - image: nginx name: nginx
CRD manifest for self-hosted charts:apiVersion: helm.fluxcd.io/v1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: default-namespace-policies namespace: flux # We put HelmRelease resources to the same namespace as Flux spec: releaseName: default-namespace-policies targetNamespace: monitoring # The namespace where Helm chart gets deployed chart: git: https://github.com/artazar/helm # Git repository URL where Helm chart is stored path: security/default-namespace-policies # The path to the chart on the repository ref: master # Use custom branch if needed secretRef: name: flux-git-auth # This should be added for the Helm charts on our internal Git repositories to fetch credentials values: # The list of Helm values goes here allow_internet: true
CRD manifest for public charts:apiVersion: helm.fluxcd.io/v1 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: nginx namespace: flux # We put HelmRelease resources to the same namespace as Flux spec: releaseName: nginx targetNamespace: flux-test # The namespace where Helm chart gets deployed chart: repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami name: nginx version: 7.1.2 values: fullnameOverride: nginx replicaCount: 2 image: tag: 1.19.3
Kustomization files
Put your resources inside directories, named after namespaces, avoid creating new files on the repository root.
The resources should appear in the cluster (or disappear if getting removed) within 10 minutes after merging to master.
In case this does not happen, check Flux logs for any errors:
# kubectl -n flux logs deploy/flux
# kubectl -n flux logs deploy/helm-operator
This repository uses Pre-commit hooks.
To use them locally, run the following commands:
# pip install pre-commit
# pre-commit install