#Team #1. Monica Ioana Vulpe #2. Camner Armand Gabriel
--> Implement a Base64 encoder and decoder. The solution should receive from command line the name of the input plaintext file and the name of the output encoded text
--> Implement the Vigenere cipher in assembly. The solution should receive from command line the password, the name of the input plaintext file and the name of the output cipher text
--> Implement the Playfair cipher in assembly. The solution should receive from command line the password, the name of the input plaintext file and the name of the output cipher text
--> Timid II - Exercise 4, page 86 in Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses (on Sakai in Resources folder). There is no reason a virus must put itself all at the beginning or at the end .........
==== Tasks ====
-- R01: Implement a way to read from command line with multiple arguments: Example test.asm comand1 comand2 comand3 .... -- R02: Implement save to file module -- R03: Implement base64 module -- R04: Implement Vigenere cipher -- R05: Implement Timid II.
Base64 EXAMPLE ENCODER/Decoder: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64
Base64 Encoder/Decoder in x86 Assembly To assemble base64.asm use the following commands:
nasm -f elf base64.asm ld -m elf_i386 base64.o -o base64 Application Valid Parameters: -e - to encode -d - to decode -t - text to be encoded/decoded will be passed from application arguements -f - encode/decode a file (not implemented yet) Usage: To encode:
$ ./base64 -e -t "Some text to encode" $ U29tZSB0ZXh0IHRvIGVuY29kZQ== (Output) To decode:
$ ./base64 -d -t "U29tZSB0ZXh0IHRvIGVuY29kZQ==" $ Some text to encode
== READ ALGORITHM PSEUDO HERE === https://base64.guru/learn/base64-algorithm/encode