Asynchronous actors framework
This project aims to create a support library for constructing asynchronous applications in Python, using the concept of structured data flows and actors. The current phase is purely a proof-of-concept and serves as a basis for discussion with colleagues and the community. It is not intended for use in any production or personal projects.
import asyncio
from aioflows.simple import Printer, Ticker
async def start():
await (Ticker() >> Printer()).start()
import asyncio
from import Udp
from aioflows.simple import Printer, Tee
async def start():
udp = Udp(local_addr=('', 5353), reuse_port=True)
await (udp >> Tee(Printer()) >> udp).start()
You can test it with socat:
socat - UDP:localhost:5353
More examples can be found in src/examples.
- local
pip install .
- editable
pip install -e .
- development
pip install -e .[dev]
- examples dependencies
pip install -e .[examples]
- all together
pip install -e .[dev,examples]
- from github
pip install git+
Run checks and tests:
inv isort flake test
Run examples (all ERRORCODE's should be 0/OK or timeout at the moment):
inv examples | grep ERRORCODE
I found existing solutions that are almost equal to this concept: