GitHub User Page for aouyar (Ali Onur Uyar).
Instead of creating separate Git Branches (gh-pages) for each project, a folder is created below prj for each to facilitate sharing of code for layout and styles between the web pages of different projects.
Jekyll, a simple, blog aware, static site generator is used for transforming the code into a static website, that is published at GitHub. YAML CSS Framework is used for layout and style.
The code for the site might server as an example for building a flexible and accesible static website by combining Jekyll and YAML CSS Framework.
The code of the web site is published under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY 3.0) with the condition that a backlinks to the GitHub Site for the project and the YAML homepage are provided in a suitable place (e.g.: footer of the website or in the imprint).
Using the code as a guide for constructing your own website is covered under fair use rights, so if you are building a web site using YAML CSS Framework just give links to the original authors, YAML homepage
For information on other projects you can check my GitHub Personal Page and GitHub Profile.