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Setup | Shells | Git | Markdown and IDEs | Virtual Environments | Task Management


A shell is a computing environment where commands can be interpreted, evaluated, and its output displayed (i.e., an instance of a read–eval–print loop (REPL)). A good shell provides access to a rich set of commands and allows simple programming of commands, which can be used to create powerful scripts and tools.

But with great power comes great bullshittery. Commands and their options can be terse, inconsistent, and difficult to learn. A steep learning curve often prevents novices from enjoying the eventual payoff.


If you've hardly used a command line environment before, you might want to go review this more thorough tutorial: ---this page is more of a collection of pointers, discussion of common tasks and mistakes, and resources.

You may also want to reference the online book, the Unix Workbench.

Command Line Fu

A list of command line examples for interesting tasks:

Create a graphical directory tree from your current directory.

ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/-/|/'

Explain shell

What does tar -zxvf ph.tar.gz do?


Bite Size Command Line Zine

You might find Julia Evan's zine useful: Bite Size Command Line!.

Here is an example for the lsof command. More examples can be found here.


Shell Basics

Depending on your operating system and desktop manager, you have many ways to open up a shell. There may even be several different choices for shell programs.

Accessing and Using Shells

Mac: you can run the Terminal in Applications.

Tip: IDES, such as VS Code provide easy access to a terminal (View ⇨ Terminal).


Windows: Shell options. In windows, you can use Cmd, Powershell, or emulated shells (Bash for Git, Bash with Linux Subsystem). A downside to using an emulated shell is that you may be limited in accessing other executables/environments on windows.

Windows: Opening. You access a shell in several ways. You can right click on the Windows Icon in the Task Bar and open a terminal window. You can type in the name of the shell program in the search bar (e.g., Cmd/Powershell).

Windows: Admin shell. Some commands require adminstration privileges. If you need to run a command with admin, you must start a shell with admin privilege. There is typically an admin command shell available in the menu when right clicking the Windows Icon on the Task Bar. You can also get one from right clicking the Cmd executable in the search bar.

Tip: If opening up a cmd shell in admin mode, make sure you do not perform operations, such as git clone in your current directory (C:\WINDOWS\system32). Otherwise, you will be writing to a location that only admin will have access to which will make it difficult to run the commands/tasks you are intending on doing.


99% of the reason you use shells is to run useful commands.

Essential commands.
  • ls: list content of a directory.
  • cd: change directories to a new path.
  • mkdir: make a new directory.
  • pwd: output current directory
  • cp: copy files
  • rm: rm files
  • touch: make a new file/update status**
  • cat: output the contents of a file.
  • head: output the first lines of a file.
  • tail: output the last lines of a file.
  • grep: search files for a key phrase.
  • wget: retrieve file from the web.
  • cut: extract output of a file (columns)
  • awk and sed: Magic commands for extracting, searching, and transforming content.
Combining commands

Command can run sequentially or conditionally:

command1 ; command2
(command1 ; command2) # in a sub-shell
command1 || command2  # do command2 only if command1 fails
command1 && command2  # do command2 only if command1 succeeds

Note: In Windows, ; does not work in Cmd, but does in Powershell. Use && for the most portable operation.

Command I/O

The UNIX shell commands push data from sources through filters along pipes. In a shell there are three sources of I/O: standard input (stdin), standard output (stout), and standard error (sterr). Standard error is a specialized version of standard out, so we'll focus on standard in and standard out. The default for standard in is the keyboard and the default for standard out is to print to the shell (or console).

Pipes and redirects change standard in and standard out from defaults.

command              # default standard in and standard out
command < inputFile  # redirect of inputFile contents to command as standard in
command > outputFile # redirect command output to outputFile as standard out
command1 | command2  # pipes output of command1 as standard in to command2
command &            # run in background, typically used for applications

A neat trick: Command the value of a file into your clipboard!

Windows: clip < file.txt Mac: pbcopy < file.txt

Activity: Customizing Your Shell

In bash, the environment variable, PS1, will contain the text that gets displayed by your prompt, which normally might look like $ . For example, setting PS1="box > ", will look like this.

box > ▒

Of course, more advanced options are [available], through escape code such as these, and even conditional logic and bash commands (by setting another variable PROMPT_COMMAND):

  • \H: the hostname
  • \u: the user name
  • PROMPT_COMMAND="echo -n [$(date +%H:%M)]": Print the date in hours and minutes.

Create a local configuration file named .bash_prompt:

PROMPT_COMMAND='PS1="\[\033[0;33m\][\!]\`if [[ \$? = "0" ]]; then echo "\\[\\033[32m\\]"; else echo "\\[\\033[31m\\]"; fi\`[\u.\h: \`if [[ `pwd|wc -c|tr -d " "` > 18 ]]; then echo "\\W"; else echo "\\w"; fi\`]\$\[\033[0m\] "; echo -ne "\033]0;`hostname -s`:`pwd`\007"'

Then enable your new prompt with:

source .bash_prompt

Try running a simple command, like ls. Notice the green prompt. Now try running a non-existing command, such as foo. Notice the red prompt.

Exercise: Customize your bash prompt. Use a google search, reference articles, or search on GitHub for "dotfiles" as a source for inspiration.

Activity: Data Wrangling with bash

Download data with wget.

wget -nc

Create a directory to store the tar file contents

mkdir product-hunt 

Extract the archive and verify csv files exist inside the product-hunt folder.

tar -zxvf ph-export--2016-04-01.tar.gz -C product-hunt/
ls product-hunt/

Data wrangling.

List the column headers inside the "users.*.csv" file

head -n 1 product-hunt/users--2016-04-01_14-36-26-UTC.csv

Extract a column of text from a file, using cut.

cut -f 2 -d ';' product-hunt/posts*.csv | head


Using a combination of cut, wc, head, tail, grep, sort, uniq, pipes (|) and any other unix suitable commands, create a command that calculates the following. For each task, save the answers results in a file named, data-a1.txt, data--a2.txt, and so on...

  • Count the number of columns inside the "users.*.csv" file. [data-a1.txt]
  • Count the number of times "bitcoin" is referenced inside a the post's file "tagline" column. [data-a2.txt]
  • Find the row of post with the highest number of upvotes. [data-a3.txt]

Verify answers with opunit verify local.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are dynamically configurable elements that are available to processes on your system.

Mac/Linux: echo $PATH Windows: echo %PATH%

A common problem with shells is that changing your PATH or other environment variables after an installation/OS GUI change will not affect any currently open shells. You either have to manually refresh the shell or open a new one.

Setting Environment Variables (Windows)

In addition to editing environment variables in your desktop manager GUI, you can also set environment variables in your shell.

In Windows, you can use set and setx to update environment variables. set will update environment variables in your current shell instance, but that will be lost after the shell closes. Using setx, you can permanently, set an environment variable for the user or system (use setx /m). See the documentation for more information.

C:\Users\chris>set DEBUG_MODE=true
C:\Users\chris>echo %DEBUG_MODE%

Tip: One limitation of using setx is that it cannot store values longer than 1024 characters.

Setting Environment Variables (Mac/Linux)

In bash/*sh environments, you can set temporary environment variables in two ways:

Like set, you can define a variable just for your shell session:

$ echo $DEBUG_MODE

You can also define a variable that will only exist inside a subprocess spawned from the shell. This may not behave the way you expect!

$ BUG_TEST=true echo $BUG_TEST

A blank is printed out because $BUG_TEST is expanded before the process executing the echo command is started. On the other hand, if you had code that checked for BUG_TEST while running, it would contain true.

Finally, you can enable access to an environment variable for all processes and subprocesses started in the shell by using export VAR=VALUE

Permenant environment variables are actually more tricky in Mac/Linux shells!

When a shell is initialized, several startup scripts are run for customization and initialization. If you want to make a variable always available, a common strategy is to locate one of these initialization scripts (typically in your home directory, and editing them to run your commands on startup). Common locations include: ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc. The symbol ~, is a shortcut for your home directory: /home/<user>.

To summarize (Mac/Linux):

  • Use export VAR=VALUE to enable a variable to be seen by all executed commands.
  • Use VAR=VALUE for a variable only available in the shell.
  • Use VAR=VALUE <command> for a variable only available to that command.
  • Set permenant variables inside a start script such as ~/.bashrc.

Advanced: Shell Programming

Once you have a set of commands or steps you perform frequently enough, you might find it useful to put into a bash script, including:

  • Data collection scripts for mining data; data processing and cleaning scripts.
  • Set up a local server, vms or containers, or anything else needed to test or run a complex application.
  • Provision and deploy an application on a remote server.

While you do these all in the context of a interactive shell, some of the following are particular useful for writing multiple lines of scripts.

Useful conditionals and loops:

if command; then

[ -z "$var" ] && echo "var is undefined" || echo "var is defined"

while command; do

Storing variables and results of commands; referencing variables

echo "result is: $e"

Activity: Imagine you wanted to write a "dead" startup checker using the product hunt data. Using the script below, you would be able check if a startup's url was still alive.

Save this in a file called


# Print error message and exit with error code 1
function die {
    echo "$1"
    exit 1

# Check the number of arguments
[ $# -ge 1 ] || die "usage: $0 <posts-file> [num]"

# Assign commmand line parameters
# If no number is provided, use default value of 10
NUMBER=$([ -z "$2" ] && echo "10" || echo $2)

# Make sure that the posts file exists
[ -f $POSTS_FILE ] || die "Input file ($POSTS_FILE) not found"

echo "Checking first $NUMBER in $POSTS_FILE"

# Skip first line (delete with sed), and retrieve first n results with head.
RESULTS=$(sed 1,1d $POSTS_FILE | head -n $NUMBER)

# Loop over each line of input (provided below with <<< "$RESULTS")
while read -r line; do

    #Retrieve the product name and url from line.
    name=$(echo $line | cut -f3 -d ';')
    redirect_url=$(echo $line | cut -f9 -d ';')

    # Make a request to the url and store the reported status code.
    HTTPCODE=$(curl -L -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $redirect_url)

    # Print the results. 404 equals dead link!
    DEAD=$([ "$HTTPCODE" == "404" ] && echo " (💀)")
    echo "$name$DEAD: $redirect_url => $HTTPCODE"

done <<< "$RESULTS"

Make sure the script file is executable:

chmod +x

Run the script:

./ product-hunt/posts--2016-04-01_14-36-24-UTC.csv 3

You should see output like this:

Checking first 3 in product-hunt/posts--2016-04-01_14-36-24-UTC.csv
We Are Heroes (💀): => 404
Tesla Model 3: => 200
Captain Strike (💀): => 404

Exercise: Try running the script with a larger number of posts to check. How did it go?

Exercise: Go throught the script line-by-line by a partner. Do you understand what each line is doing?

Weird but useful features and commands in bash


In some situations, you might need to send multi-line content as input to a command or to store as a file. heredoc is an input mechanism that allows you to enter in text (interactively or in a script), until a delimiter string is reached ('END_DOC').

cat << 'END_DOC' > .functions
history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl |  head -n10    

Load the defined function. Then we can see which command you run the most.

source .functions

Heredoc can also be useful for running command on input you'd like to type in manually or paste from your clipboard and don't want to bother placing in a file:

Count the number of words and characters in text:

cat << EOF | wc
Lieutenant-General Sir Adrian Paul Ghislain Carton de Wiart (5 May 1880 – 5 June 1963), was a British Army officer of Belgian and Irish descent. He fought in the Boer War, World War I, and World War II, was shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip and ear, survived a plane crash, tunneled out of a POW camp, and bit off his own fingers when a doctor wouldn’t amputate them. He later said "frankly I had enjoyed the war."


dd can be useful for cloning disk drives or disk images, creating test data, and just generally wrecking havoc on disks (which could be useful for chaos engineering experiments).

Create a 1MB file with zeros.

dd if=/dev/zero of=zeros.txt count=1024 bs=1024

Create a 20K file with random bytes.

dd if=/dev/urandom of=random.txt bs=2048 count=10


Expect the unexpected. If you need to automate a command which could prompt for input, then you can use expect to help respond to that input.

Just as a simple example, if you ran this code python -c "print( input('Enter value: ') )", it will wait around until you typed something, which could be a problem if you're doing this 1000s of times or run in an automation script.

By using expect, you can create scripts that automatically response to prompt inputs.

expect <<- END
    spawn python -c "print( input('Enter value: ') )"
    expect {
        "Enter value: " { send "42\r"}

Expect is pretty tricky to learn how to use properly, but it is a nice trick to hold on to in case you need it one day.


Using traps for resource cleanup, or implementing a singleton process.

Save the following in '' and make it executable.



# Exit if lockfile 
[ -f $LOCKFILE ] && echo "Lockfile is in use. Exiting..." && exit 1 

# Upon exit, remove lockfile.
function cleanup
    echo "cleaning up"
    rm -f $LOCKFILE
    exit 0

# Initiate the trap
trap cleanup EXIT

# Create lockfile

# Program (listen on port 5100)
nc -k -l 5100 | bash

This will run a simple bash server that you can send commands to over the network.


In a new terminal window, run:

echo "ls" >/dev/tcp/

You should see your direct connects appear in your other terminal running the server process. If you try running ./ in another terminal, it should prevent you from running again.

Remote connections

In many situations, you may find that you need to run commands for development or debugging on remote servers. Most likely, you will initate this connection over a ssh connection.


When issuing a long running command (package installation, build job), you may find your connection drop, which could result in termination of your command!

A useful strategy to avoid this is to use a session manager, such as screen or tmux. These tools will allow you to create sessions that will persist on the server, allowing you to run commands, disconnect, and return again.

Here is a useful reference.

screen tmux
create session and attach $ screen $ tmux
create session foo and attach $ screen -S foo $ tmux new -s foo
create detached session foo $ screen -S foo -d -m $ tmux new -s foo -d
list sessions $ screen -list $ tmux ls
attach $ screen -r $ tmux attach
attach to session foo $ screen -r foo $ tmux attach -t foo
attach to session by pid $ screen -r pid
kill session foo $ screen -r foo -X quit $ tmux kill-session -t foo
send multiplexer command to session foo $ screen -r foo -X command $ tmux command -t foo
run ls in session foo $ screen -r foo -X stuff "ls $(echo -ne '\015')" $ tmux send-keys -t foo 'ls' C-m
run vi in new window $ screen vi /etc/motd $ tmux new-window vi /etc/motd