Welcome to the PSU Weather Data Science Club's GitHub repository! Here you will find a collection of relevant materials for our club, including coding tutorials, coding challenges, and important club documents. You can view most of these files in your web browser, but you will need to download the files or clone the repository in order to edit them. To get started, head over to the tutorials
folder for more information!
We are a group of students (both undergraduate and graduate) in meteorology, atmospheric science, and related disciplines who are interested in applying computer and data science to solve meteorological problems. We aim to provide our members with valuable coding skills that will prepare them for careers in the private sector, academia, or government. We will collaborate on several projects, including frequent coding challenges and our club's long-term project - the PSU e-Wall redesign.
Join our club GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/62417485/ImOlt7rK
Our Slack workspace: https://join.slack.com/t/psuweatherdatascience/shared_invite/zt-o34uglzn-vTmOyJq~c_VZkYowzG31Xw
Meeting announcements will be sent via the meteo department listservs in addition to GroupMe and Slack.