Short answer: Rudder is an open-source Segment alternative written in Go, built for the enterprise.
Long answer: Rudder is a platform for collecting, storing and routing customer event data to dozens of tools. Rudder is open-source, can run in your cloud environment (AWS, GCP, Azure or even your data-centre) and provides a powerful transformation framework to process your event data on the fly.
Released under Apache License 2.0
This repository contains code for sample user transformations that can be added via the Rudder Configuration Plane
Following are some of the transformations available
- Template User Transformation for PII Detection and Masking
This is a sample/template user transformation wherein a fuzzy search is performed for a list of developer-supplied attribute names and values of matching attributes are replaced with Xs or a masked representation of the developer's choice
Template User Transformation for Selective Event Removal and Value Aggregation
Selectively remove events based on name match
Selectively remove events based on value of an attribute
Aggregate values of certain attributes for multiple instances of a specific type of event in a batch and then replace the multiple instances with a single instance containing the aggregated attributes
Template User Transformation for Missing Value Substitution and Batch Size Reduction or Sampling
Replace missing values for User-Agent attribute
In cases where developer has populated cricual attributes within nested structures but not at the root level, copy the values to root level
Reduce batch size by first shuffling the events to try and achieve even distribution of event types and then select only a subset of events
Template User Transformation for Removing Attributes without Values
This is a sample/template transformation wherein all attributes within the event payload, which are not having any value, are removed to reduce the payload size and also optimize storage space for warehouses