This is a module for Play 2.4, enabling support for Azure Active Directory - Microsoft’s multi-tenant cloud based directory and identity management service.
So far you have to build manually :
- clone from this source repository
- ./activator or ./sbt
- publish-local
As for Play Framework 2.4, a JDK 1.8+ is required to build this plugin.
###1) In your play project, add the local dependency in build.sbt file :
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.freesp" %% "play-azuread" % "1.0",
###2) Enable & configure the plugin (application.conf) :
play.modules.enabled += "play.modules.azureAD.AzureADModule"
azureAD.tenants = [
id:"tenant name or id",
clients:[ { id:"application client id", secretKey:"api secret key" } ]
// cache duration in seconds for openID public key (for JWT session token validation)
azureAD.openIdPubKeyLifetime = 300
// group membership cache duration in seconds (cache entry = user principal name + group Id)
azureAD.groupMembershipLifeTime = 30
###3) Protect your API with Azure Active Directory :
The goal of AzureADAction is to restrict access to any actions to requests that follow these requirements :
- a request header Authorization, with as value : "Bearer xxxx" (xxxx is an Azure Active Directory JWT coming for example from single page app got that enforced user authentication against an AAD instance, as with ADAL.js)
- a valid JWT : not expired, signature valid
- the upn extracted from the JWT is a member of a specified security group
To use it, create a controller like that :
import play.modules.azureAD.{AzureADComponents, AzureADApi, AzureADController}
class Application @Inject() (val azureADApi: AzureADApi) extends AzureADController with AzureADComponents {
// implicit reference
implicit val tenant = "my api tenant id" // an ID already declared in the application conf
implicit val client = "my api client id" // an ID already declared in the application conf
implicit val appGroupId = "security group id any user must be member of the get access to the API"
def myApiAction = AzureADAction().async { request =>
Future.successful( Ok( Json.obj("user" -> request.username) ) )
###4) Use the AzureAD GraphAPI :
In any object :
import play.modules.azureAD.{Client, Tenant, AzureADApi, Group}
import play.api.Play.current
object myAPIHelper {
val azureADApi = current.injector.instanceOf[AzureADApi]
def memberOf(upn: String)(implicit tenant: Tenant, client: Client): Future[List[Group]] = azureADApi.graphApi.memberOf(upn)(tenant, client)
- Complete the GraphAPI methods, a lot are missing
- simplify the configuration (tenant/clients....)
- test/allow multi-tenant scenarios
- ?