The Web Service reached under the path /humai/echoservice.
The Application has to realize the following logic:
a. An HTTP request is sent against the endpoint /humai/echoservice.
b. The request-payload contains a JSON object. The JSON object is extracted and stored in a database (Redis as cache and PostgreSQL).
c. A response is sent back with the original request-payload with in addition a filed containing the server’s unix timestamp at the time of receiving the request.
Jenkins pipeline executes the following steps:
a. Checkout the repository developed in the previous section (Development).
b. Build Docker image(s) for the application developed in the previous section.
c. Push it to a Docker Hub
Docker, docker-compose, curl should be preinstalled.
Used Docker version 19.03.1 and docker-compose version 1.24.0.
Golang REST API application, stores data in PostgreSQL and use Redis as cache - on POST requests application checks the Redis before store the data in PostgreSQL.
Application returns JSON in format:
{"status" : boolean, "message" : "text", "data": "text", "timestamp": "timestamp"}
Fields "data"
and "timestamp"
are optional. And "timestamp"
returns on POST request only.
- Golang application.
- Redis and PostgreSQL data.
- files for Jenkins server running (description is below). Pipeline job is in services/jenkins/config/jobs.groovy
The Docker image can be rebuilt by (multi-stage building)
for development:
docker build --target builder -t alrf/go-redis-pg:latest .
for production:
docker build --target app -t alrf/go-redis-pg:latest .
Deploy application:
docker-compose up -d
It will run go, redis, pg, jenkins containers and available as (shows last 10 records in DB, if they exist):
Stop application:
docker-compose down
Jenkins with Build_job (from CI Pipeline section) is available as:
Pipeline job itself is in services/jenkins/config/jobs.groovy
Request Body Structure for Post Request:
{"department": "Dep1", "section": 1, "equipment": "Sect1", "description": "Descr1"}
- contains curl commands to send.
make test-post
- send POST requests to populate data.
$ make test-post
for i in {1..20}; do \
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{"\"department"\": "\"Dep$i"\", "\"section"\": $i, "\"equipment"\": "\"Sect$i"\", "\"description"\": "\"Descr$i"\"}" ""; \
{"data":{"department":"Dep1","section":1,"equipment":"Sect1","description":"Descr1"},"message":"Inventory has been created","status":true,"timestamp":"2019-09-22T09:23:09.044023317Z"}
{"data":{"department":"Dep2","section":2,"equipment":"Sect2","description":"Descr2"},"message":"Inventory has been created","status":true,"timestamp":"2019-09-22T09:23:09.104060885Z"}
{"data":{"department":"Dep3","section":3,"equipment":"Sect3","description":"Descr3"},"message":"Inventory has been created","status":true,"timestamp":"2019-09-22T09:23:09.154428129Z"}
{"data":{"department":"Dep4","section":4,"equipment":"Sect4","description":"Descr4"},"message":"Inventory has been created","status":true,"timestamp":"2019-09-22T09:23:09.20499422Z"}
{"data":{"department":"Dep5","section":5,"equipment":"Sect5","description":"Descr5"},"message":"Inventory has been created","status":true,"timestamp":"2019-09-22T09:23:09.28245457Z"}
make test-get
- send GET requests to retrieve data.
$ make test-get
curl "";